Blanket Order Management

Blanket Orders

On Blanket Orders (Sales and Purchases), a new Tab is created, regarding Trading Files:

The fileds are:

Field Description
Trading File No. If Blanket Order is created from Trading File, this field is filled with the Trading file No. from which was created.
Trading File Starting Date Automatically filled with the value inherited from the Trading File. However, can be manually changed.
Trading File Ending Date Automatically filled with the value inherited from the Trading File. However, can be manually changed.
Agreement Type Specifies the Agreement Type for the record. Is possible to choose between two options: Quantity and Price, and Quantity Only (differences between these two agreements explained below).

Agreement Types

For the field Agreement Type, there are two options:

  • Quantity Only - the pricing for this option is controlled alongside a Purchase/Sales price. For this kind of Blanket Orders, the price doesn’t matter, the important information is the validity period and the quantity.

Price Calculation: Standard Tariff engine works when creating an Order from a Blanket Order. The Tariff engines supersede the standard handling for blanket orders. This means that the Price for the Item is not what’s defined on Blanket Order, but what is setup for the Item/Customer.

  • Quantity and Price - prior to other conditions, the negotiated price in the contract is included, as well as the quantity. For this kind of Blanket orders besides the validity period of the contract, matters the negotiated price.

Price Calculation: Standard Handling for blanket orders (Blanket Order price comes on Order line).

On creating a new Blanket Order, the default value for this field is always Quantity and Price.

Automatic/Manual Order Attachment

For the Automatic/Manual Order Attachment the setup can be defined on both sides: Sales – under Sales & Receivables Setup and Purchase – under Purchases & Payable Setup.

For this field, there’s 2 options:

  • Manually - standard process of attaching Blanket Sales/Purchase Order Line to a Sales/Purchase Order.

  • Automatically - as described below:

If the the selected option on Setup is Automatically:

  • if there’s only one Sales/Purchase Blanket Order line matching the Sales/Purchase Order line, the respective Blanket Sales/Purchase Order will be assigned automatically to the Sales/Purchase Order line. When inserting the Sales/Purchase Order Line, a confirmation message will pop-up:

If the answer is Yes, the Blanket Sales/Purchase Order line will be attached to the Sales/Purchase Order line.

If the answer is No, the Blanket Sales/Purchase Order line will NOT be attached to the Sales/Purchase Order line.

If several Blanket Order lines are matching the Order line, a window pops up allowing the user to select the line to be attached:

The criteria to attach automatically lines is:

  • Sell-To Customer / Buy-To Vendor (depending on Sales or Purchase area);
  • Item No.;
  • Bill-To Customer/Pay-To Vendor;
  • Start and Ending Date of the Blanket Order (Order Date must be between Starting and Ending Date);
  • Status of the Blanked Order must be Released.

If a Sales/Purchase Order has a Blanket Order linked to it and the field Quantity is modified:

  • no message is displayed for a lower quantity;
  • an error message is displayed for a higher quantity:

If Sales/Purchase Order is attached to a Blanket Purchase Order and the user changes the Sell-to Customer/Buy-from Vendor, a pop-up message appears, allerting that the Order is attached to a Blanket Order and the attachment will be removed:
