Create Trading Files from Purchase/Sales Documents
From Purchase/Sales Order
On a Purchase/Sales Order, it is possible to create a Trading File through a function:
If click on Function, a message will appear, asking if it is intended to convert the Order to a Trading File:
If click on Yes, a Trading File will be created from the Order:
If Trading File is created from a Purchase Order, it will be created under the Vendor No. from the order and Target Margin will be inherited from the Trading File Setup.
If Trading File is created from a Sales Order, it will be created under the Customer No. from the Order and the Target Magin will be taken from the Trading file setup.
From Purchase/Sales Quote
The behaviour is the same as presented on Purchase/Sales Order.
The main difference is that if a Trading File is created from a Quote, once the Trading File is created, the source Quote Document is deleted and the Quote No. will be available on the Trading File Header.
For example:
From Purchase/Sales Blanket Order
The behaviour is the same as presented on Purchase/Sales Order.