Create Trading Files

Create Trading File from scratch

To create a Trading File from scratch go to the Trading Files List and click on New.

This would open a Trading File card:

Fill the fields on General tab:

Field Description
No. Specifies the Trading File number, according to the specified number series (defined on Trading Files Setup).
Description Specifies a high level description for the Trading File.
Reference Specifies the Reference No. for the Trading File.
Reference 2 Specifies Reference No. 2 for the Trading File.
External Ref. No. Specifies the External Reference No. for the Trading File.
Starting Date Specifies the starting date for the Trading File.
Ending Date Indicates when the trading file is intended to expire.
Closure Date Specifies the actual closure date for the trading file.
Driven By options are “Purchase” or “Sales”. Driven by sales means that the focus will be on the customer and sales price. Then the purchase cost will be deducted when applying the target margin. Driven by purchase means the focus will be on vendor and purchase cost. Then the sales price will be calculated when applying the target margin.
Source No. If Driven by field is “Driven by sales” then it specifies customer No.: If Driven by field is “Driven by purchase” then it specifies vendor No.
Source Name Specifies the customer or the vendor name for the trading file.
Quote No. Specifies the Quote No. that was used to initiate the Trading File.
Status Specifies the Status of the Trading File.
Trading File Category Specifies the Category for the Trading File.

On Lines tab, fill the fields:

Field Description
Item No. Specifies the Item No.
Description Item No. description (from the Item card).
Variant Variant for the item (if available)- it is not visible by default.
Unit of Measure The Base Unit of Measure of the Item (from Item card).
Quantity Specifies the Quantity for the record.
Unit Cost Specifies the Unit Cost for the Item. When the Trading file is driven by “Purchase” it is defined manually. When the Trading file is driven by “Sales” it is calculated with the following formula: Unit Cost = Unit Price/ (1+Target Margin%).
Unit Cost (LCY) Cost in LCY (converted on Trading File start date).
Cost Currency Code Represents the Currency Code to be applied on the Unit Cost. The currency factor is defined from the currency rate of the specified currency at the starting date of the Trading file.
Unit Price Price in Currency. If Driven by is Purchase, then this field is calculated by applying Budgeted Margin % on top of Unit Cost. When driven by Sales it should be manually defined.
Unit Price (LCY) Price in LCY (converted on Trade File start date).
Price Currency Code Represents the Currency Code to be applied on the Unit Price. The currency factor is defined from the currency rate of the specified currency at the starting date of the Trading File.
Budgeted Margin % Specifies the Budgeted Margin % for the record (the field is automatically filled with the value defined on Trading File Setup and can be manually changed).
Budgeted Revenue Calculated field. If Driven by = “Sales” then Budgeted Revenue = Price * Quantity. If Driven By = “Purchase” then Budgeted Revenue = (Price Unit Cost) + Budgeted Margin*.
Budgeted Revenue (LCY) Budgeted Revenue converted in LCY (converted on Trading File Starting date).
Budgeted Cost Calculated field. If Driven by = “Purchase” then Budgeted Cost = Price * Quantity. If Driven By = “Sales” then Budgeted Cost = Budgeted Revenue - Budgeted Margin.
Budgeted Cost (LCY) Budgeted Cost converted in LCY (converted on Trading File Starting Date).
Unrealized Revenue (LCY) Calculated field, summing up all sales lines (outstanding amounts) of related documents.
Unrealized Cost (LCY) Calculated field, summing up all purchase lines (outstanding amounts) of related documents.
Realized Revenue (LCY) Calculated field, summing up all sales lines (line amounts) of related Posted Sales Invoices.
Realized Actual Cost (LCY) Calculated field, summing up all purchase lines (line amounts) of Posted Purchase Invoices.
Realized Actual Margin (LCY) Calculated field - difference between Realized Revenue (LCY) and Realized Cost (LCY).
Realized Actual Margin % Calculated field after the formula (Realized Revenue- Realized Cost)/ Realized Cost *100.
Qty on Sales Specifies the Qty. base on Sales for the line (excluding Blanket Orders).
Sales Qty. Blanket Order Specifies the Sales Qty. on Blanket Orders for the line.
Purch. Qty. Blanket Order Specifies the Purchase Qty. on Blanket Orders for the line.
Qty. On Purchase Specifies the Qty. base on Purchase for the line (excluding Blanket Orders).
Purch. Qty. Received (Base) Specifies the Purchase Qty. Received (Base) for the line.
Purch. Qty Invoiced (Base) Specifies the Purchase Qty Invoiced (Base) for the line.
Sales Qty. Shipped (Base) Specifies the Sales Qty. Shipped (Base) for the line.
Sales Qty Invoiced (Base) Specifies the Sales Qty Invoiced (Base) for the line.

On Results tab, the fields are not editable for users - these are calculated fields and the values are auto filled from line level.


Under the Status section the Trading File status can be changed and the Status Log Entries can be accessed :

A trading file can contain several lines, each of them specifying one item supported by the contract.

For more information, check Trading File Status


Comments on Trading File are working similarly to the existing comments on Sales/Purchase Order.

A checkbox field is available on the Trading File Report to decide if comments are printed.


The file manager will define applicable Dimensions/ Dimension values for the trading file. When a Sales/Purchase document is created from a Trading File the Dimensions/Dimension values will be inherited in the created document.

Dimensions/Dimension values have a dedicated FactBox on the Trading file.


On Trading file, is possible to have several additional information or execute actions:

  • Dimensions with Dimension Values;
  • Attachments / Using doc storage;
  • Comments;
  • Report;
  • Copy Trading File.

Create Documents

Under Process section can be created Sales or Purchase Documents:

Create Sales Documents:

  • Sales Blanket Orders;
  • Sales Order;
  • Sales Return Order;
  • Sales Credit Memo;
  • Sales Invoice.

Create Purchase Documents:

  • Purchase Blanket Orders;
  • Purchase Order;
  • Purchase Return Order;
  • Purchase Credit Memo;
  • Purchase Invoice.

Update Trading File Attributes

Under Attributes section the Trading File Attribute values can be updated:

Create Trading File using Copy Function

It’s possible to copy Trading Files from one source.

On Trading File Header, click on Copy Trading File:

After that, is possible to select which actions are intended to copy:

  • Copy Trading File Lines;
  • Copy Trading File Attribute / Attribute Values;
  • Copy Trading File Comments.

The created Trading File is set with the first status in the sequence.

Dimensions are automatically filled with the Dimensions/Dimension values from the source Trading File and, adittionaly, with the Dimension set on Trading File Setup (with the new Trading File No. as a value).

If none of the actions are selected, the system will only create the header of Trading FIle.

When are selected all the actions, the system will create a new Trading File with the same Attributes, same line/s and same comments.

For example:

  1. There is a trading file that is being copied:
  1. Choose the information to copy and click in “Ok”:

  2. A message appears, informing that the Trading File was successfully copied:

  3. It’s possible to open the newly created Trading File:

The dimension value is filled with the Trading File No. as value of the Dimension defined on Trading File Setup.
