Trading File Setup
On Search Page, search for Trading File Setup.
On General tab can fill following fields:
Field | Description |
Trading File No. | Specifies the number series that will be used to assign numbers to Trading File. |
Trading File Dimension Code | Specifies the Dimension code for Trading File. |
Default Target Margin | Specifies the default target margin. |
Default Driven By Mode | Driven by sales means that the focus will be on customer and sales price. Then the purchase cost will be deducted when applying the target margin. Driven by purchase means that the focus will be on vendor and purchase cost. Then the sales price will be calculated when applying the target margin. |
Default Contract Period | Specifies the default contract period. |
Alert when Sales Quantity is over | Enable the alert for over quantity on Sales. See Alert on quantity |
Alert when Purchase Quantity is over | Enable the alert for over quantity on Purchase.See Alert on quantity |
On Functional User Groups tab, it’s possible to setup the following fields:
Field | Description |
Code | Specifies the Code of the group. |
Name | Specifies the Name of the group. |
Members | No. of members of the group. To add/delete/exchange members, is necessary to click on action “Members” –> Add Users (as shown below). |
To use this extension, all users need some extra permissions:
“Setup Users Permission Set” - for users that can access all tables including setup tables;(BRITDF_READER)
“Reader Users Permission Set” - for users that can only view Trading Files;(BRITDF_USER)
“Write Users Permission Set” - for users that can create/delete Trading Files.