Trading Files Status

Trading Files can have several status. To define Status, go to Trading File Status Setup.

For more detailed information, please check: Trading Files Status Setup

Update Trading File Status

When creating a Trading file, it should always get the first Status in the sequence order.

To be able to change the Status, the user should be part of the user group (assigned to the current status) which is allowed to move to the next status(es) in the sequence (or the previous one(s)). If the user is not allowed to change the status, an error message will appear (see example below):

To change the Status, it’s possible to use one of the actions added on Trading File Header:

Field Description
Go to next Status Move Trading File to the Next Status in sequence. This action is disabled when the last status of the sequence is already assigned to the Trading File or when is marked as Cancelled or Closed.
Back to the previous Status Move Trading File to the previous Status in sequence. This action is disabled when the first status of the sequence is already assigned to the Trading File or when is marked as Cancelled or Closed.
Cancel Set the status on the Trading File with the Cancellation Status defined on Trading File Status Setup.
Close Set the status on the Trading File with the Closed Status defined on Trading File Status Setup.
Reopen This action will be available only when the assigned status for the Trading File is Closed or Cancel. By selecting this action, the Trading File will be reopened (the Trading file Closure Date will be emptied) to the previous status for the Closed or Canceled.

The Cancellation or Closed Status will be used to process the data retention policy.

Data Retention Policy defines retention policies to specify how often to delete outdated data in tables that contain log entries and archived records.

Before creating retention policies, must be set up the table/s to include and the periods of time to keep data. It’s possible to define Retention Policies for Trading File Log Entries.

Log Journal

It’s possible to consult the status changes through a Log Journal. Here, it’s possible to check:

  • Workdate and time for status changes.
  • User ID of the user that made the status change.
  • Selected status code.

The user that creates the Trading File will initiate the Log Journal with the first sequence status.
