
Transport Management Setup

Transport Management has a specific page for Setup, in which is possible to set standard information to be used on Transport related actions :

Setup page is divided in four tabs: General, Numbering, Costs and Route Sequence.

In General tab, fill the following fields:

Field Description
Calendar Specifies the Calendar to consider in Transports. It’s recommended to have a specific calendar for transport. This information needs to be previously created, on Base Calendars.
Default Company Transport Area Code Specifies the Default Company Area Code to be used if the company doesn’t use locations.

The information regarding Transport Areas needs to be previously created, on Tranport Areas page. Check how to create it on

In Numbering tab, fill information related to series:

Field Description
Route Code Nos. Specifies the No. Series to be used for Route Codes in Transport Plans.
Transport Order Nos. Specifies the No. Series to be used in Transport Orders.
Registered Transport Order Nos. Specifies the No. Series to be used in Registered Transport Orders.
Transport Tariff Nos. Specifies the No. Series to be used in Transport Tariffs.
Transport Hub Nos. Specifies the No. Series to be used in Tranport Hubs.

In Costs tab, fill the following fields:

Field Description
Item Charge No. Specifies the Item Charge to be used in Transport Tariffs.
Default Assignment Method Specifies the Default Assignment Method to be used in Transport Costs applications.
Options are: Equally, By Amount or By Weight.

In Route Sequence, fill the fields:

Field Description
Default Transport Order Type Specifies the Default Transport Order Type to be used when creating Transport Orders based on a Route Sequence. It’s necessary to have set Transport Order Types before these setup. Check how to create Transport Order Types here.
Allow Duplicate Adress on same route day Specifies if it’s possible to define the same address in multiple routes for the same weekday.

Transport Management Assisted Setup

To open Transport Management Assisted Setup, search for Transport on Assisted Setup page:

Transport Management Assisted Setup page opens:

Going to the next page, it´s possible to define the creation of default No. Series for Transport Management.

Pressing Next, it’s possible to choose if default setup for Order Types, Vehicle Types and Container Types is intended. If enabled, default information will be created in respective tables:

On the next page, select if it’s possible to have duplicate addresses on Transport Routes:


When all of these setup is made, then a closure message appears and to save the setup, is necessary to click on “Finish”:

Transport Management Menu

Transport Management has a menu with all the related actions, divided by themes: Setup, Planning and Archive:
