
  • Transport Order: A transport order is a document that supports the ordering of a transport service. This can be either road, sea or air transportation. It provides detailed information on how the requested service is intended to be delivered and is possibly valued with transport costs.

  • Transport Costs: Transport costs are a type of landed costs associated with the transportation of the goods. They can be associated directly with the supporting sales/purchase/transfer order or associated with the transport order itself.

  • Transport Plan: A transport plan is a general term for the collection of all transport routes that are set for a specific organization.

  • Transport Route: A transport route is defined for a specific relation (Starting Area – Arrival Area). The transport route also includes different operational information for that relation (which shipping agent, which weekly schedule) that may impact the selection of the appropriate route to deliver a customer in due time.

  • Pickup/Delivery Addresses: Pickup / delivery addresses are the addresses defined on the sales/purchase/transfer order where the goods are shipped and delivered.

  • Loading/Unloading Addresses: Loading/Unloading Addresses are the transport hubs of loading/unloading in the context of sea/air transportation.

  • Route Sequence: When a Route has predetermined delivery, a pickup sequence may be necessary to define a route sequence. This has several logistical impacts:

    • Truck loading/unloading may be optimized with the given sequence.

    • Knowing that a customer is delivered on a given schedule may help schedule the manufacturing process or the picking organization.

    • Shipping agent can be assigned to sales / purchase order early in the process as the schedule is known.
