Transport Specific Features

Transport Areas

It’s necessary to setup Area Code’s to define departure and arrival areas in which transport plan and tariff will be based on.

Customers, Vendors and Locations (warehouses) will have assigned an area code.

It’s possible to acess to Transport Areas through Transport Management Setup or by searching the page on search bar.

In this page, create a Code and a Description for the area:

These Areas can be renamed - when renamed, all the related records are updated:

Area codes can also be deleted, even if are used in some document - this won’t affect the existing documents. When deleting the Area code, a message appears:

Post Codes

“Transport Area Code” is a field added to the Standard Table of Post Codes.

This field will be filled with the Area Code associated to the Post-Code:

This default Area Code will be duplicated on Customer, Ship-To Address, Vendor, Location or Order address, when selecting the City/Post Code fot the address. However, it’s possible for the user to manually adjust area code on the address.

For example, on Post Code, a Transport Area is set:

When inserting Post Code on Customer, the Transport Area Code is automatically updated:

However, this Transport Area Code can be manually changed:

Transport Order Types

Transport Order Types provide flexible setup choices to modify the transport order’s layout based on the end user’s requirements.

To define Transport Order Types, fill the following fields:

Field Description
Code Specifies the code for the Transport Order Type.
Description Specifies the description of the Transport Order Type.
Mode Specifies the transport mode for the Transport Order Type. Options are: Sea, Rode and Air.
Multiple Addresses Specifies if the Transport Order Type can have multiple pickup and/or shipment addresses. This option supports scenarios where a truck should pickup/deliver products at different addresses within the same run and is only available for Road Transportation.
Container Specifies if the Transport Order Type should handle containers.
Blocked Specifies if the Transport Order Type is blocked and no longer can be used in new Transport Orders.

Transport Order Types are used to distinguish different requirements for different transport modes.

  • For example, when working on Air transport order, the focus will be on Airline, Flight Information, Loading and Unloading Airports.

  • When working on Sea transport order, the focus will be on Sea Carrier, Voyage information, Vessel name, Loading and Unloading Ports.

  • When working on Road transport Order, the focus will be on Hauler’s name, Vehicle Type, Pickup and Delivery Addresses.

Transport Order Types can be renamed. When they’re renamed, a message appears:

Transport Order Types cannot be deleted once they’ve been used:

Blocked Transport Order Types cannot be used to create a new transport order. However existing transport orders having that order type can be further handled.

Vehicle Types

Vehicle types will be used to specify on transport order which vehicle type is ordered.

It’s possible to acess to Vehicle Types through Transport Management Setup or by searching the page on search bar:

In this page, create a Code and a Description for the vehicle:

These Vehicle types can be renamed - when renamed, all the related records are updated:

Vehicle Types can also be deleted, even if they’re used in some document - this won’t affect the existing documents. When deleting the Vehicle Type, a message appears:

Container Types

Container types will be used to specify which container type is ordered on transport order.

It’s possible to acess to Container Types through Transport Management Setup or by searching the page on search bar:

In this page, create a Code and a Description for the container:

These Container types can be renamed - when renamed, all the related records are updated:

Container Types can also be deleted, even if are used in some document - this won’t affect the existing documents. When deleting the Container Type, a message appears:

Transport Hubs

Table to support Ports / Airports to be used when working with Sea or Air Mode Order Types.

It’s possible to acess to Transport Hubs through Transport Management Setup or by searching the page on search bar:

When clickin on “New”, a page opens, to follow the following fields:

On General tab, select the Series no. to define the Hub. This will be automatically filled with the series no. if it’s defined on Transport Management Setup.

Fill the type of Hub that is being created. Options are Port or Airport. After that, it’s possible to Name the Hub in fileds Name and Name2.

On Address & Contact tab, fill the fields with the location of the Port/Airport as well as the contact details of the hub.

It’s also possible to define a Transport Area Code to be linked to the hub.

Transport Hubs can be deleted or updated whenever necessary. However, these changes are not reflected in the already existing Transport orders.

Shipping Agents

Shipping Agent is a standard table that is being used to setup Transport Orders. Because of cost monitoring, the field “Vendor No.” is added to the standard Shipping Agents page to link a Shipping Agent to a Vendor:

Fuel Surcharge

On Shipping Agents page is also possible to define Fuel Surcharge:

This fuel surcharge is variable for each shipping agent and has impact on the tariff calculation.

On Fuel Surcharge page, define the date that the fuel surcharge is applicable from as well as the value of the fuel surcharge index that is applicable for the specified date.


  • It’s not possible to create different Fuel Surcharge index for the same Shipping Agent with the same date;

  • When updating/deleting a Fuel Surcharge Index, the existing transport cost valuation doesn’t change. In these cases, a message is prompted:

  • When deleting a Shipping Agent that has Fuel Surcharge assigned, a confirmation message appears:

Transport Tariffs

It’s possible to define Transport Tariffs, to associate to a document.

Click on “Transport Tariffs, “New”, and fill the fields:

General Tab:

Field Description
Code Specifies the Tariff Code.
Description Specifies Tariff Description.
Status Specifies the Status of the Tariff. Options are: Draft, Active, Inactive. It’s only possible to calculate Landed Costs from Active Tariffs; It’s only possible to edit tariffs if they’re with status “Draft”.
Currency Code Specifies the Currency Code assosciated to the Tariff. If Currency Code is the same as the Local Currency, this field will be empty.
Starting Date Specifies the Starting Date of the Tariff.
Ending Date Specifies the Ending Date of the Tariff.
Calculation Basis Specifies the Calculation Basis of the Tariff. Options are: Quantity, Gross Weight, Volume and Ground Pallets. See below the differences between these options.

Lines Tab:

Field Description
Minimum Qty. Specifies the value of the Minimum Qty. field. The calculation Basis defines the unit of measure for the quantity.
Unit Cost Specifies the value of the Unit Cost field.
Fixed Charge Specifies the value of the Fixed Charge field.

NOTE: Fixed Charges and Unit Costs cannot both be “Zero.” One of the variables may be filled up with"0,” but if both are, the following error message displays:

Calculation Basis options are:

  • Quantity - when this tariff is applied on landed cost calculation, the line quantity is used as basis for calculation.

  • Gross Weight - when this tariff is applied on landed cost calculation, the line gross weight is used as basis for calculation.

  • Volume - when this tariff is applied on landed cost calculation, the line volume is used as basis for calculation.

  • Ground Pallets - when this tariff is applied on landed cost calculation, the number of Ground Pallets is used as basis for calculation.

Transport Plans

Transport Plans defines all the routes that can be delivered by the contracted shipping agent.

See information with more detail on Transport Plans.
