Transport Plans

Transport Plans define all the routes that can be delivered by the contracted shipping agent.

To create the Transport Plan, fill the following fields:

Field Description
Code Specifies a unique identifier code for the transport route. This code is automatically filled with the series no. defined on Transport Management Setup (Route Code No.).
Route Sequence Specifies if a sequence exists for the current transport route. This field is automatically filled regarding the sequence exists or not. See below how to create a sequence.
Area-From Code Specifies the starting area code for the current transport route.
Area-To Code Specifies the arrival area code for the current transport route.
Shipping Agent Code Specifies the shipping agent for the current transport route. Choose from the Shipping Agent’s table.
Shipping Agent Service Code Specifies the shipping agent service code for the current transport route. Choose from the Shipping Agent Services defined for the Shipping Agent.
Description Specifies the description for the current transport route. Automatically filled with the previously chosen fields (Area-From to Area-To; Shipping Agent; Shipping Agent Service). However, can be manually changed.
Transport Tariff Code Specifies the transport tariff code for the current transport route.
Starting Date Specifies the starting date for the current transport route to be applicable.
Ending Date Specifies the ending date for the current transport route to be applicable.
Week Days Select the week days for which the current transport is available.
Due-Time Week days Specifies the last departure time for each wekk day.
Calendar Specifies the Calendar for the current transport route.

Route Sequence

In some specific cases a company can have some long term scheduled agreements with haulers (or can also be internal transportation) to pick/deliver on a daily/weekly the same addresses. This is what we call a route sequence.

If a Sequence is created, then the Area-From and Area-To are disabled, because these fields will be replaced for the first and last area codes defined in sequence.

Field Description
Route Code Specifies an unique identifier code for the transport route. Automatically filled with the Route Code previously selected.
Sequence Specifies the sequence of the picked/delivered addresses. Automatically filled.
Source Type Specifies the type of the transport address. Options are: Location, Customer, Vendor.
Source No. Specifies the source no. Of the transport address. Depending on the source type, options are Location, Customer or Vendor list.
Source Name Specifies the source name of the transport address (Location, Customer or Vendor name).
Ship-To/Order-From Address Specifies the ship-to/order-from address code of the transport address. If Source Type= Location, this field is disabled. If Source Type= Customer or Vendor, in this field is possible to choose from every Send-To, Order-From addresses defined on Customer/Vendor.
Transport Area Code Specifies the area code of the selected transport address. Automatically filled with the Transport Area Code defined on entity (Location, Customer or Vendor). It’s mandatory to have this field filled, otherwise, an error message appears.

Source Type must always be “Location” for the first line in sequece. Transport should always start from a Location. If select other type, an error message appears:

Rules for Transport Plans:

  • The same address can belong to two different or more route sequences (for example if an address is delivered via a route sequence day one and via another one on day two).

  • If, on Transport Management Setup, the boolean “Allow Duplicate Address on same Route day” is set to true, then it’s possible to have the same address in different routes for the same day.

However, if it’s set to false, then the same address cannot belong to two route sequences being planned on the same weekday and an error message appears:

  • Changing routes is possible, at any time. However, it won’t affect existing documents:
  • There can be multiple locations in a route sequence (specially to handle Transfer Orders).

  • It’s possible to change the sequence order in a Transport Route Sequence, through actions “Move Up” and “Move Down”:
