Transport Order

Transport Order is a document to suppoort the Transport Company.

This document will group several lines of purchases, sales, transfer orders, assigned to the same transport and will also allow to calculate the transport costs on all the lines and allocate them.

Create Transport Order

On the sales/purchase/transfer order card an action Create Transport Order exists:

When clicking on action “Create Transport Order”, a new page “Select Order Type” is displayed:

In this page will only appear Transport Order Types with “Multiple Addresses” boolean = No.

If a Transport Order Type requires multiple addresses, then it’s not possible to create through a Sales/Purchase/Transfer Order, but only from a “Transport Planning Worksheet”.

If only one Transport Order Type exists, then it will be automatically applied and this page won’t appear.

An order can be associated with several transport orders - it’s possible to consult all the Transport Orders associated to an order on factbox:

On factbox is also possible to open the selected Transport Order:

Transport Order fields on Sales/Purchase/Transfer Orders

Shipment Methods

For options “Create Transport Order” and “Suggest Transport Route” to be selectable, field “Shipment Method” must be empty or with selected with an option that has “Transport Required on Sales” boolean set to true, if on Sales Order, or “Transport Requirded on Purchase, if on Purchase Orders.

If the option selected on Shipment Method Code doesn’t have “Transport Required on Sales” or “Transport Required on Purchase” selected (depending which document is being used) , then these actions are not available:

Pickup Date

Field Pickup Date is used in case transportation is organized by the company. By default, this field doesn’t appear on Orders.

Also, this field will only be used on Purchase Orders. For this field to be visible, “Shipment Method Code” must be filled and the option chosen must have “Transport Required on Purchase” boolean set to true.

Pickup date should not be later than the expected receipt and/or promised receipt date. If no expected receipt and/or promised receipt date are defined, then it’s possible to define any pickup date:

Once a transport order is related to a purchase order line, the purchase order line item, expected receipt date, planned receipt date and promised receipt date can’t be changed. If the user wants to update those fields then related transport order must be deleted:

Changes on Source Document Lines

If, on a Purchase/Sales Order, quantity is changed, a message is prompted:

On related Transport Order, the status changes to “Pending Update”:

The field “No. of Warnings” is updated and to see the warning message, click on highlighted number:

It’s possible to consult the warning message and change the status of the Transport Order, so it’s possible to edit it.

To update the transport Order, is necessary to change the status - this can be done in two ways:

  • 1- Click on “Review Warnings” - a confirmation message appears:
  • 2- Click on status and change to “Handled”:

Following both ways, status is changed and Warning message is completed with User name and date/time of change:

When handled, the Transport Order status changes to “Open”:

The transport order is now editable and is possible to update quantities:

Deleting source document lines

Deleting Source Document line of a Transport Order is possible and, when deleting the line, a message is prompted:

  • If a document only has one line:

Transport order related to document disapears:

Transport Order still exists, with status “Pending Cancellation”:

When handling message, the status changes to “Cancelled”:

NOTE: If a Sales/Purchase/Transfer Order line is deleted and if a Transport Order Line exists with that Source Document No. and Source Document Line No. a Warning is created. If the user selects ‘Review Warning’, then the Transport Order Line is automatically deleted. REVIEW!!!!!!!!

  • If document has more than one line, and only one is deleted:

Transport Order relation with source document still exist:

When opening the Transport Order, status is Pending Update:

When handling the error message, Transport Order Status changes to open and is possible to edit transport lines:

NOTE: When a Sales/Purchase/Transfer Order is totally fulfilled (all lines are totally received/shipped and invoiced from the source document) it is automatically deleted. However, if at least one line of the document is on one or more Transport Order Lines, then the document deletion does not happen automatically. (Manually, the user has the possibility of deleting the document). REVIEW!!!!!!

Several locations on Order

If, on a Purchase/Sales Order, multiple locations are defined on Purchase/Sales lines, when creating a Transport Order, the folowing confirmation message appears:

Drop Shipment

When Handling Drop Shipment:

  • On purchase order, if a line is flagged with Drop Shipment = true then the Ship-To Address Details of the Purchase Order are transported as Delivery Information for the Transport Order and the Pickup Type will be “Customer”.

Assign Transport Route

To assign Transport Route to a document, it’s necessary to have one of the following scenarios:

  • Transport Plan defined with a Route Sequence, where the Order Location Code and the Customer Location are set on the same route;
  • Transport Plan, with “Area-From” = Location Code area of the order and “Area-To” = Customer address area;
  • Shipment/Pickup date must be between route dates;
  • Shipment/Pickup date match the week day that the route is set;
  • On Order, all Location Code must be the same (on header and on lines).

If several routes are possible (duplicate setup), then a modal pop-up appears to ask to assign the appropriate transport route:

For example:

  • Transport Plans are defined with a route sequence, containing Location Code and Customer address:

Post Transport Order

Once a transport order is being executed (meaning the goods are actually transported), user has to post the Transport Order.

Posting the transport order will convert the transport order into a posted transport order. All the information contained on the source transport order are then converted to the posted transport order. The associated landed costs are also transported to posted landed cost table and associated posted landed cost assignment table.

The source transport order is deleted once it is posted.

On the source document, (sales, purchase or transfer order), it is possible to access the related posted transport orders from the Related/History/Posted Transport Orders action. This would display a list of related posted transport orders that can then be opened from the list.

It is not possible to reverse a posted transport order.

Posted Transport Order

Posted Transport Orders can be consulted through the source documents (Sales/Purchases/Transfer orders) under Transport Management menu:

Pending Cancellation or Pending Update

When the Source document of a
