Transport Planning Worksheet

The transport planner can arrange transportation scheduling and ordering by using the Transport Planning Worksheet, which aims to compile all transport requirements in one view.

Using Transport Planning Worksheet

On the Transport Planning Worksheet, transport planner may use following actions:

  • Get Transport Request: This action will run a report to collect all the transport request lines (from sales/purchase and transfer orders).

User may then assign an order type to the line to define which kind of transport order he intends to create.

  • Create Transport Order: User can select the lines intended to create a transport order and click on the Create Transport Order action to create a transport order.

If the transport request line includes a Route Code, then the order type is defaulted with the Default transport order type defined in the transport setup and can’t be changed.

Create Transport Order

When user clicks on the Create Transport Order action on the transport planning worksheet, this would trigger the creation of transport orders for the planning worksheet lines marked as “create transport order”.

Once a transport order is created for those lines they should disappear from transport planning worksheet.

Following business rules will be applied on transport order creation:

  • If no transport Order Type is defined for a transport planning line, then transport order cam’t be created:

  • If the selected (marked with “Create Transport Order”) lines have the same transport order type and this transport order type is with “multiple address” enabled, then one transport order is created, including all the selected lines.

Note: If multiple transport order types (having multiple address enabled) are defined, then will be created as many transport orders as transport order types defined.

Example: 3 transport order types exists, with multiple addresses enabled. Then, it will be created 3 Transport Orders.

  • If the selected (marked with “Create Transport Order”) lines have the same transport order type and this transport order type is with “multiple address” disabled, then this will create transport orders with following grouping rules:

    • Per Source Document Type / Source Document Number (One Transport Order can only contain lines from one source document)

    • Per Transport Order Type

    • Per Transport Route Code/Pickup Date/Pickup Source Type/Pickup Source No./Delivery Date/Delivery Source Type/Delivery Source No.
