Assign Master Data Attributes

Master Data Attributes

These are attributes belonging to the Item, Vendor, or Customer card. They will be only used for filtering and segmenting those master data’s. No inheritance is planned on Master Data Attributes.

You can either define master data attributes using categories (which might be helpful to make sure all similar entities have the same attributes) or set it manually (you can also adjust manually attributes after assigning a category).

Using Categories

On the search bar, search for customers/vendors/Items and choose the related link.

Open the Customer/Vendor/Item card where you want to assign the categories and then fill the “Customer Category”, “Vendor Category” or “Item Category Code”.

The attributes assigned to that category will be automatically populated to Customer Attributes/Vendor Attributes/Item Attributes.

If you want to update the Vendor/Item Category, on Vendor/Item Card, change the category for a new one.


  1. On the search bar, search for customers/vendors and choose the related link;

  2. Open the customer/vendor card where you want to assign the attributes ant then click on the Attributes action:

  3. On the Attribute Values page, choose the attributes you want to apply to the customer/vendor and the respective value. If the attribute is from type Option, choose the options created; if not, fill the value with the respective item attribute value:
