Categories and attributes
Categories and Attributes are the two main concepts to understand when working with Advanced Attributes Management.
Attributes can be added to an Item, Customer, Vendor or Lot no., as a free to define custom field. You can setup different attributes, with different values, to add to a card like a specific characteristic. Some of these attributes will be inherited in documents containing those entities (see Attribute Inheritance).
Categories are specific groups a Customer/Item/Vendor/Lot belongs to (for example, all customers belonging to retail sector). Categories also have specific attributes assigned. When assigning categories, you assign the respective attributes. However, the attributes can be manually edited and/or added. Another option is to organize categories into a hierarchy. The child category will inherit attributes from the parent category.
Promoted Attributes
Attribute Priorities are used to setup Promoted Attributes. You can set as much as 5 promoted attributes per attribute type (Option, Text, Decimal, Integer, Date). Which means you can have 25 promoted attributes in total. Those promoted attributes can be used:
- On one hand for filtering on lists. They will appear as columns on Customers, Vendors, Items or Lot no. information lists.
- On second hand for direct access on purchase document lines or put-away inventory lines.
Only promoted attributes are shown on the purchase lines, when displaying a purchase document. However non promoted attributes are accessible and editable via detail screen.
Master Data and Lot No Attributes
There will be a clear distinction between Master Data Attributes and Lot No. Attributes in the subsequent documentation.
Master Data Attributes
These are attributes belonging to the Item, Vendor, or Customer card. They will only be used for filtering and segmenting those master data. No inheritance is planned on Master Data Attributes.
Lot No. Attributes
Unlike Master Data (Customer, Vendor, Item), Lot no. attibutes can be different from one lot to another, even if from the same item. When creating a new lot no., lot no attributes can be manually adjusted, or defaulted by setup from the Item card (via Item Lot no. Categories), or Vendor card (via Vendor Lot no. Categories). Only those attributes will benefit of inheritance.
Attribute Inheritance
Using Attribute Inheritance, you can define default values to be assigned to newly created lot no. attributes (on Items and Vendors). For example, to assign a specific attribute value, like a country of origin,a plot no. or bio certification on items from a specific vendor.
As Lot No attributes may be inherited, this means that when defined for a specific Vendor or Item, creating a document with those entities will automatically propose to populate the lot no attributes with the values defined on the selected item/vendor.
Attribute Inheritance On Vendors

Attribute Inheritance on Items