Setup Lot No. attributes on Items and Vendors

This feature is only available when Standard Subscription is enabled.

Lot No. Attributes

Unlike master data attributes (Customer, Vendor, Item), Lot No. Attibutes can be different from one lot to another even if they’re from the same item.

When creating a new lot no., lot no. attributes can be defaulted by inheritance from the item card (via Item Lot No. Categories), or Vendor card (via Vendor Lot No. Categories). If needed, user can manually adjust them from the Purchase Order Line or the Lot Information card.

To organize inheritance, you need first to setup Lot No. attributes and Attribute Values on Vendor and Item card. If there are no established attribute lots for a certain vendor or item, then Lot No. Attributes will have to be manually added and updated on the purchase document.

You can define Lot. No. Attribute inheritance for non promoted attributes.

You can either define Lot No. Attributes using categories (which might be helpful to make sure all similar entities have the same attributes) or set it manually (you can also manually adjust attributes after assigning a category).

Using categories

On Vendors

For vendors, on the Receiving Tab, fill the Lot Category Code - the Lot No. Attributes defined fot that category will be inherited.

Then, when creating Purchase Lines, these attributes will be inherited to the document.

On Items

For items, on the Item Tracking Tab, fill the Lot Category Code - the Lot No. Attributes defined for that category will be inherited.

Then, when creating Purchase Lines, these attributes will be inherited to the document (unless the same attribute is set to Vendors - in this case, the attribute value inherited is the Vendor Lot No.)

For more information, see: Attributes Inheritance

Manually assign Lot No. Attributes to an Item/Vendor

  1. Open the Item/Vendor Card;

  2. Click on Lot Attributes:

  3. Assign attributes and attribute values to the entity:

Keep in attention: Vendor Lot No. Attributes have priorty over the Item Lot No. Attributes when in Purchase Lines.

For example, if we have the same attribute for Lot No. on Items and on Vendors, with different values (in this example we will use the Attribute “Country of Origin):

–> On Vendor the value is France:

–> On Item the value is Portugal:

When creating a Purchase Order and inserting the Vendor and the Item, the Lot Attribute information shown is from the Vendor, in this case, France. Check the print below, that shows this case:

Although there’s the same attribute in both entities, the Lot Attribute that appears is the vendor attribute.
