Working with Lot No. Attributes

Assigning Lot Attributes

There are three ways of assigning Lot No. Attributes and Lot No. Attribute Values to a lot no.

  1. You can assign attributes when creating the lot no. using attribute inheritance on purchase order .
  2. You can assign attributes when creating the lot no. using attribute inheritance on inventory put-away.
  3. You can assign/edit manually attributes from the lot no. information card.

1. From Purchase Order Line

  1. On the Purchase Order Line, when assigning a Lot no. to an Item, on Item Tracking Lines, click on Lot Attributes:

  2. Assign the Attributes:

  3. When Posting the Purchase Order, these attributes will be inherited on Lot Information Card.

2. From Inventory Put-away

  1. When creating the Inventory Put-away, after the Receiving of a Purchase Order, it is possible to assign Lot No. Attributes. For that, on Inventory Put-away, click on Lot Attributes:

  2. Click on Lot Attributes or fill in the column Attribute fields:

3. From Lot Information Card:

  1. On the search bar you search for Lot No. Information List:

  2. Choose the lot you want and then click on Lot No. Attribute:

  3. Assign/edit/delete attributes to the lot:
