Setup Apps


The Associated Document Lines apps is available on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource.

Please review the Extension Installation Procedure for further information.


To use this extension, all users need some extra permissions:

  • (ISATECH-LCM) “License Control Management”, for all users.

For the user of the extension (setup or read) there are some extra permissions sets:

  • (ISADL_SETUP) for users that need to setup the Associated Document Lines.
  • (ISADL_READ) for users that will create sales/purchase/service documents (sales / purchase order processors, service order processors).

Enabling new sales pricing experience

As from Business Central v18 (2020 release 2) microsoft introduced a new sales pricing experience feature (new price calculation engine). This feature needs to be enabled prior working with Associated Document Lines as this new engine will be used to price the created sales lines. More information on how to enable this feature can be found here and here.

Enabling new sales pricing experience is a one-way experience with no way back. If you’re working with classic pricing experience and are planning to move, we do recommand thorough testings on sandbox prior moving on production environment.