Advanced Price Management Setup


The application “Advanced Price Management” module is available on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource.

Please review the Extension Installation Procedure for further information.


To use this extension, all users need some extra permissions:

  • (ISATECH-LCM) “License Control Management”, for all users.

For the user of the extension (setup or read) there are some extra permissions sets:

  • (ISATECH-APM-SETUP) for users that need to setup the module. This permission set gives read/write access to the Advanced Price Management Setup page, Discount Types list page and Advanced Price Templates page
  • (ISATECH-APM-EDIT) for the user that need to manage/update Adavanced Price Lists.
  • (ISATECH-APM-VIEW) for all other users. This will offer read access to Advanced Price Lists so that users can benefit of the Advanced Price Management Module when creating Sales documents.

Also have in mind if you’re using entity treeview features that user rights shouls also be set accordingly for this apps.

  • (ISATECH-ETV-READ) “Read Entities hierarchies” for the user that just need to visualize existing treeviews.
  • (ISATECH-ETV-EDIT) “Edit Entities hierarchies” for the user that need to setup and manage treeviews.

Enabling new sales pricing experience

As from Business Central v18 (2020 release 2) microsoft introduced a new sales pricing experience feature (new price calculation engine). This feature needs to be enabled prior working with Advanced Pricing Management. More information on how to enable this feature can be found here and here

Enabling new sales pricing experience is a one-way experience with no way back. If you’re working with classic pricing experience and are planning to move, we do recommand thorough testings on sandbox prior moving on production environment.

Assisted Setup

Setup can be done using the assisted Setup Wizard.

Go to Assisted Setup and select Set up Advanced Price Management line,

After clicking next, you can enable two checkboxes

  • Create Default No Series: This would create default number series for the module setup.
  • Create Default Discount Type Codes: This would create default discount type codes.

On the next page you are able to review module setup.

  • Template Price List Nos: No Serie for templates.
  • Price List Nos: No Serie for Advanced Price Lists.
  • Price Analysis Nos: No Serie for Price Analysis.
  • Manual Price Code: Defines the discount code to be used in case user enforces sales price manually.
  • Manual Discount Code: Defines the discount code to be used in case user enforces discount manually.
  • Manual Discount Print Level: Defines the print level in case a manual discount is enforced.
  • Item Card Price Code: Defines Discount Type Code to be used when a price is retrieved from the item card.

Click on Finish to complete module setup.

Advanced Price Management Setup Page


You can access to the Advanced Price Management Setup page using the Tell me what you want to do function or using the extended menu of business central. This latest option will also provide you an overview of all apps specific setup page and lists.


On the Advanced Price Management Setup page you can edit settings and access directly to Discount Types, Templates, Promotions and Advanced Price Lists pages.

  • Template Price List Nos: No Serie for templates.
  • Price List Nos: No Serie for Advanced Price Lists.
  • Price Analysis Nos: No Serie for Price Analysis.
  • Manual Price Code: Defines the discount code to be used in case user enforces sales price manually.
  • Manual Discount Code: Defines the discount code to be used in case user enforces discount manually.
  • Manual Discount Stat Level: Defines the stat level in case a manual discount is enforced.
  • Manual Discount Print Level: Defines the print level in case a manual discount is enforced.
  • Add Discount Line: Defines wether manual discount generates a additional line or superseeds existing Sales line Details.
  • Item Card Price Code: Defines Discount Type Code to be used when a price is retrieved from the item card.
  • Allow Negative Discount: Enable to allow negative discounts (Negative discount can increase sales prices).

Sales & Receivables Setup

Some additional settings are also available on the Sales & Receivables Setup page when the Advanced Price Management apps is activated.

  • Price Calculation Method: Can be Lowest Price or Closest Price.
  • Date Price Calculation: Defines the date that will be used to filter the appropriate price list. Can be Document Date, Shipping Date or Delivery Date.
  • Customer Price Calculation: Defines the customer type that will be used to filter the correct tariff. If Sell-to Customer is selected, then tariff will be searched based on the Sell-to Customer Code of the sales document. If Bill-to Customer is selected, then tariff will be searched based on the Bill-to Customer Code of the sales document