Data Exchange Hub Agreements


Agreement (Act) is the base entity of the Data Exchange Hub. Agreemnt is used to define:

  • When to process data,
  • What kind of process to do (type of message),
  • Where to get or send the message : Partners
  • How to convert data

You can create how many agreements as you need, there is no limitation.



You define the general details of the act.

Field Description
The code and description of the Act.
Active To tick to validate the Act.
Way 2 options: Outbound (Export) or Inbound (Import)
Keep Log To tick to achived the entries after processing.
Queue Up Line The name of the queue up that the act is part of. This act will be processed by a Job Queue with this value in his parameter string field.
Process Code
Process Description
Select the Process that will be used to create/read the message.


Field Description
Table No.
Table Caption
Enter the table number in which to retrieve the information to be transferred.
Priority To inform if the process of several tables must respect a certain order.
On Insert
On Modify
On Delete
On Rename
On Release
Check for all triggers on the desired table.
On launch for documents using the notion of status (Ex: order)
Table Filter Allows a filter to be placed on the records of the table to be processed (CUSTOMIZABLE: Ex: filter on document type Order).
Fields Selection Allows a filter to be placed on the fields of the table to be processed.

Action Description
Force All Tables Sync Allows to manually synchronize all the tables.
Force Selected Tables Sync Manually synchronize a table.
Records Open a window with the records from the table.
Fields to synchronize Allows to choose the fields to synchronize in a table in case of partial sync.


Field Description
Partner Code
Partner Name
Enter the details of the sender/recipient partner.
Partner Storage Code Enter the partner storage code, indicating the transfer method.
Option String Some more data that may be necessary for transfer method (Optional).


Field Description
Description Displays the characteristics of the message type (predefined).
Value Displays the values of the characteristics of the message type.


Field Description
Table ID
Table Caption
Enter the number of the table on which to perform the field mapping.
Field ID
Field Caption
Enter the field on which to map.
Internal Value Enter the value of the field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Center.
External Value Enter the value of the field at the destination partner.