Advanced Dimension Management User Guide
Dimension Management by Bricklead speeds up setup of dimensions check rules and value definition.
It could be used to:
- Template dimension setup: Defining default dimension rules that will be applied for any new entity configured (example: when creating a new customer, I want this customer to be automatically setup with default dimension department as mandatory). This will speed up entity creation as there is no need any more to navigate to the dimension page to setup dimension rules individually.
- Autopopulate dimensions values: When you have business case in which any new entity created as to be populated as a dimension value (example: Job creation, you want the Job No to be automatically populated as a dimension value).
Basic knowledge of the dimension setup/working in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
The application “Multi Companies Inventory” is available on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource.
Please review the Extension Installation Procedure for further information.
To use this extension, all users need some extra permissions:
“License Control Management”, for all users,(ISATECH-dim-VIEW)
“Advanced Dimension Mgt - View”, for Standard user with view mode,(ISATECH-dim-EDIT)
“Advanced Dimension Mgt - Edit”, for Admin User with setup rights.
Setup Page
Setup can be done using the “Dimension Management Setup” Page.

Table ID: Select here the table that will support the entity for which you want to define default dimension setup. Following entities can be setup (only entities having global dimension 1 and global dimension 2 fields are populated here):
ID | Name |
13 | Salesperson/Purchaser |
15 | G/L Account |
18 | Customer |
23 | Vendor |
27 | Item |
152 | Resource Group |
156 | Resource |
167 | Job |
270 | Bank Account |
376 | G/L Account (Analysis View) |
413 | IC Partner |
849 | Cash Flow Manual Revenue |
850 | Cash Flow Manual Expense |
4021 | Stg Item |
5071 | Campaign |
5105 | Customer Template |
5200 | Employee |
5600 | Fixed Asset |
5615 | FA Allocation |
5628 | Insurance |
5714 | Responsibility Center |
5800 | Item Charge |
5903 | Service Order Type |
5904 | Service Item Group |
5965 | Service Contract Header |
5968 | Service Contract Template |
99000754 | Work Center |
Dimension Code: Select here the dimension to be setup.
Dimension Value Code: Optional. Select here the default dimension value code to be setup. When setup, this value will be populated automatically as default dimension value for the newly created entities.
Value Posting: Optional. Select here the default value posting option. When setup, this value will be populated automatically as default value posting option for the newly created entities.
Copy Primary Key: Optional. When enabled this will automatically the selected dimension with additional dimension value code based on the newly created entity primary key (read code).
Setup Page Menu
Apply: By default, the setup applies only on newly created entities. If you want the setup to be applied on existing entities use the “Apply” action. This will update all existing entities that have no default dimension setting for the selected dimension code.
Apply & Force: This will update all existing entities (so possibly overwrite existing dimension setup) with the default dimension setting for the selected dimension code.
Key Usage Scenario’s
Automatically create a Job/Project dimension Value code when creating a new Job/Project.
Insert the following record in dimension management table,

This setup automatically populates dimension “Project” when a new job is created with Job primary key (Job No.). Then it sets the default dimension value code with this primary key for this specific job. If you create a new job you can check that the Job No. is also set as default dimension value code using the “Navigate” menu, then “Job”, “Dimensions” menuitems (example hereunder with P00050).

Make sure that the “client type” dimension is always set.
Insert the following record in dimension management table,

With Table 18: This setup creates automatically a dimension setup for each newly created customer where Type Client Dimension is with default value posting value posting is “Code Mandatory”.
Then if you create a customer, the dimension setup will be automatically populated as follows.

This means that prior to post any ledger entry for this customer you’ll have to assign de value code (either on the customer card, or on ledger entry).
Automatically assign employee a resource group code
Insert the following record in dimension management table,

With Table 5200: This setup creates automatically a dimension setup for each newly created employee where Department Dimension should be filled in with Dimension Value Code = “Administration” (value posting = Code Mandatory).

This means that when posting ledger entries using that employee code, dimension value code will then be populated.