Working with Inspection Status
It is possible to assign Inspection Status in several ways:
- when creating a document and inserting Lot No., Inspection Status will be automatically inserted, if a Default Inspection Status is setup for the selected document/item/vendor combination.
- on Lot Information No. or Lot Information Card, is possible to apply an Inspection Status.
Assign automatically an Inspection Status, through Default Inspection Status
When creating documents that are set on Default Inspection Status, the moment Lot No. is inserted, and Lot Information Card is created, the Inspection Status is automatically filled.
For example, there’s a Default Inspection Status set for Purchase Receipts, for all Items and all Vendors:
On a Purchase Order for an Item that requires Lot No., go to Item Tracking Line:
Open the Lot Information Card - the lot already has the Inspection Status defined, as setup on Default Inspection Status:
Apply/Update Inspection Status on Lots
Is possible to apply Inspection Status to Lots that are already created, with no Inspection Status set as default or to modify the Inspection Status on Lots that already have a value on Inspection Status.
For that, is possible to apply/update Inspection Status in 3 different pages:
- Lot No. Information List;
- Lot No. Card;
- Advance Lot No. Information List.
In all this pages, the action to apply Inspection Status is the same “Update Inspection Status”:
When clicking on this option, a page will open:
Fill the fields:
Field | Description |
Previous Inspection Status | Automatically filled with the value of the current Inspection Status. In case there isn’t any, the field is empty. |
New Inspection Status | Choose the new Inspection Status to apply to the Lot. |
Reason Code | This field appears if Audit Trail setup is set with “Reason Code Mandatory”. For more information on this app, check here. |
Comment | Is possible to leave a comment for updating Inspection Status. |
When clicking on “OK”, the Inspection Status is applied:

Update Inspection Status in Batch
Is possible to update Inspection Status in Batch - update Inspection status to several lots at the same time, considering the filters.
For that, click on action “Update Inspection Status in Batch”:
Choose the filters to apply the new Inspection Status:
For example, is possible to update to certain Inspection Status all the lots related to an Item, or all the Lots with specific Expiration Date.
Is possible to apply filters for all fields on Item Ledger Entries table or Lot No. Information table.
When clicking on “OK”, all lots within the defined filters have the Inspection Status defined with that value: