Production by Batch

To ensure compliance with batch size manufacturing requirements, the system now enforces strict control over the creation and posting of lots in batch production orders. Only one lot can be produced per batch production order.

Single Lot Restriction

For each Production Order Line where Batch Production BOM = YES, only one lot can be posted. The following validations have been added to the Output Journal, Production Journal, and Inventory Put-away when the Source Document = Prod. Output:

  • When posting, the system will check for existing item ledger entries with Entry Type = Output for the Production Order No., Production Order Line No., and Item No.
    • If the Lot No. being posted matches the existing entry, the output is allowed.
    • If the Lot No. differs, the system will block the action and show an error.

Prohibition of Lot Duplication

A lot produced by a Batch Production Order cannot be reproduced in another production order.

The system will validate against existing item ledger entries with Entry Type = Output for production orders where Batch Production BOM = YES.

If a match is found, an error will appear.
