Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any special drivers or third-party software?

No. If your printer works with another program, such as Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word, then it will work with the Print Solution Client too. The Print Solution Client is available for Windows, Linux (including Raspbian) and macOS / OS X.

Does Print Solution automatically discover printers on my network?

PrintSolution can print to any printer configured on a computer on which you have installed the Print Solution Client software. The Print Solution Client automatically detects printers on the computer on which it is running, but it doesn’t search your network for printers. The Print Solution Client’s list of printers will be the same as what is reported by the operating system.

The list of printers the Print Solution Client has detected is visible on the Printers tab in the Print Solution Client’s UI. After adding a printer it takes around three seconds to be detected on Windows and three to ten seconds on macOS / OS X and Linux.

Should I run the Print Solution Client as a desktop application or a Windows service?

Running the Print Solution Client as a Windows Service comes with the following benefits:

  • Only one instance of the Print Solution Client runs regardless of how many active user sessions there are on a given machine (this helps avoid certain issues such as duplicate prints).
  • The end user does not have access to the desktop app interface, which makes them less likely to break something.
  • It is possible to manage the Print Solution Client remotely through the Print Solution Client’s web API.

Running the Print Solution Client as a Windows Service has the following drawbacks:

  • The Print Solution Client runs as the LocalSystem account, so it doesn’t use the default printer settings of regular users.
  • The end user does not have access to the desktop app interface, which makes it more difficult to provide support if something goes wrong.

We usually recommend installing the Print Solution Client as a desktop application. For multi-tenant machines we recommend installing and running the Print Solution Client as a Windows Service, to avoid duplicate prints.

Can I print to a network printer?

Print Solution works with network printers; please note that all printing still happens through a running instance of the Print Solution Client. Therefore, your network printer needs to be installed on a computer that is running the Print Solution Client.

Can I run the Print Solution Client on my iOS / Android device?

We don’t currently have a Print Solution Client for Android / iOS.

For now, you need to have a Windows, macOS / OS X or a Linux computer to run the Print Solution Client. Please note that the “computer” running the Print Solution Client can be a small, cheap, low-power device, for example a Raspberry Pi.

Does the Print Solution Client need any specific operating system permissions to run? Can I run the Print Solution Client as an unprivileged user?

The following conditions need to be satisfied for the Print Solution Client to run correctly:

  • The operating system user under which the Print Solution Client is run needs to have permissions to access printers and the network.
  • The Print Solution Client needs to be able to write to the user’s home directory.

What IP Port configuration does the Print Solution Client need to be able to connect?

The Print Solution Client needs to be able to make outgoing TCP connections. It can use either port 443 or port 6123. You do not need both ports open for outbound TCP traffic – the Client will try both and use the first one that works.

Do i need several subscriptions if i want to install print solution on multiple clients?

No. Print solution is invoiced per document printed no matter the number of devices you use. If you user the same subscription on multiple devices then the printed document counting will be consolidated for the devices.
