Printer Selection

Set a default printer for a specific report

The Printer Selection page let you specify the printer that a report will use by default. Default printers are set on a user-account basis. You can set a default printer for just yourself, another user, or all users.

  • Choose the Lightbulb icon that opens the Tell Me feature. Enter Printer Selection, and then select the related link. Or, from the Printer Management page, select a printer, and then choose the Printer Selection action.
  • Choose the New action to add a printer selection for a specific report.
  • Fill in the fields as necessary.

The specified report is now set up to print to the selected printer by default.

Organize directed printing

You or the administrator can also use the Printer Selections page to define other variations of printing for users and reports. The following table describes the combination of values to specify different printing setup for a report.

To Set the following values
Print a report to a specific printer for all users Specify values in the Report ID and Printer Name fields and leave the User ID field blank.
Print all reports to a specific printer for a specific user Specify values in the User ID and Printer Name fields and leave the Report ID field blank. This entry does the same as the Set as my default printer action on the Print Management page.
Set the default printer for all reports for all users Specify a value in the Printer Name field and leave the User ID and Report ID fields blank. This entry does the same as the Set as default printer for all users action on the Print Management page.
Print a specific report to the user’s default printer Specify a value in the Report ID field and leave the Printer Name and User ID fields blank.
Print a specific report to a specific printer for a specific user Specify values in all three fields.
More specific printer selections has priority on a more general printer selection. For example, a printer selection that has values in the User ID, Report ID, and Printer Name fields has priority over a printer selection that has blank entries in the User ID or Report ID fields.