Troubleshooting custom paper size

Getting printer description

When working with custom paper format you might experience some unexpect behaviours due to the fact that printer driver is not returning the necessary information to help Print Solution to get the correct setup. This might happen because driver is not correct version or needs some custom properties to be set accordingly.

To help you understanding what is Print Solution getting as information form the printer driver we added the Get API Printer Description feature on the Printer Settings page.

Press on this action button to get the exact detailed description of the setup returned by your printer driver.

You can then copy the returned value in a text editor and discover.

For each custom paper size you’ll find an object of the supported paper size where each key represents a paper name and the corresponding value is the dimension of the paper expressed in a two-value array. The array is expressed as [width, height] with width and height expressed in tenths of a millimetre. In some circumstances these values are not reported by the printer driver, in which case the array is [null, null].If the returned values are not correct, the size problem comes from the printer driver or its settings.
