
Create Quality Check Method

  1. On the search bar, search for “Quality Check Method List”:
  1. Open the list and then click on New:
  1. Fill the respective Fields
Field Description
Code Code Name for the Quality Check (QC) Method (this field is mandatory).
Description Free text description for the Method.
Type Select the type from the following list:
Option: You have to define the Option Values using the QC Method Values action.
Text: You can define a free text method. This is helful when you want to save general information (licence number, plot number, etc…) on a quality check.
Note: For this specific type it is not possible to define target values when defining the quality specification.
Date: Date Type to record information’s such as Frozing Date, Harvest Date, Technical Check Date, etc…
Note: For this specific type it is not possible to define target values when defining the quality specification
Integer: To use when you need to record an integer based measurement. When you define a method with this type you can also define a Unit of Measure.
Decimal: To use when you need to record an decimal based measurement. When you define a method with this type you can also define a Unit of Measure.
Blocked Setup to True to block the method and make it unusable.
Unit of Measure Only available when selected Type is Integer or Decimal. Use is to define specific unit of measure for this method.
Instruction Free text field to describe how the Quality Check Method should be executed.
Values Only available when selected Type is Option. Fill with the Values associated to the created Option.
Note: When defining options you can also define translated values for those options.