Commissions and Rebates

Notes for release 23.0.8790.65111


  • Task 10415 - User Story 10414 - Add message while reopenning a agreement with existing Detailed Entries.
  • Task 10417 - User Story 10416 - Add event to modify vales entry filters on agreement evaluation
  • Task 6831 - User Story 6830 - Bricklead Migration
  • Task 4912 - User Story 4911 - Dimension Management Update
  • Task 3309 - User Story 3308 - New Pull-Request Organization
  • User Story 2832 - Feature 3416 -
  • User Story 2692 - Feature 3829 -
  • User Story 2830 - Feature 3412 -
  • User Story 2020 -
  • Bug 2688 -
  • User Story 2829 - Feature 3399 -
  • User Story 2843 - Feature 3415 -
  • Bug 2696 -
  • User Story 2698 -
  • User Story 2703 - Feature 3829 -
  • Bug 2710 - Feature 3829 -
  • User Story 2707 -
  • User Story 2705 -
  • User Story 2706 -
  • Bug 2709 -
  • Bug 2718 -
  • Bug 2711 -
  • Bug 2719 -
  • Bug 2725 -
  • User Story 2712 -
  • Bug 2721 -
  • Bug 2722 -
  • Bug 2714 -
  • Bug 2715 -
  • Bug 2717 -
  • Bug 2723 -
  • Bug 2724 -

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterPostSalesInvoicePaymentLine(var SalesInvoiceLine: Record “Sales Invoice Line”; var PaymentEntry: Record “isaREB_Payment Entry”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterPostSalesCreditMemoPaymentLine(var SalesCrMemoLine: Record “Sales Cr.Memo Line”; var PaymentEntry: Record “isaREB_Payment Entry”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterCheckSetup()
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterCheckAgreement(Agreement: Record isaREB_Agreement)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInsertHeader(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocHeader: Record “Sales Header”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInsertDescriptionLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInsertAgreementDescriptionLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInsertPeriodLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInitDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Customer OnAfterInsertDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterPostEmployeePaymentLine(var GenJournalLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”; var PaymentEntry: Record “isaREB_Payment Entry”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterCheckSetup()
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterCheckAgreement(Agreement: Record isaREB_Agreement)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterInitDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterInsertDocHeader(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Employee OnAfterInsertDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Gen. Journal Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterPostPurchaseInvoicePaymentLine(var PurchInvoiceLine: Record “Purch. Inv. Line”; var PaymentEntry: Record “isaREB_Payment Entry”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterPostPurchaseCreditMemoPaymentLine(var PurchCrMemoLine: Record “Purch. Cr. Memo Line”; var PaymentEntry: Record “isaREB_Payment Entry”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterCheckSetup()
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterCheckAgreement(Agreement: Record isaREB_Agreement)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInsertHeader(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocHeader: Record “Purchase Header”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInsertDescriptionLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Purchase Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInsertAgreementDescriptionLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Purchase Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInsertPeriodLine(Agreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var DocLine: Record “Purchase Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInitDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Purchase Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_PaymentType_Vendor OnAfterInsertDocLine(Entry: Record isaREB_Entry; var DocLine: Record “Purchase Line”)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_Agreement Management OnBeforeCopyAgreement(var pAgreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_Agreement Management OnAfterCopyAgreement(pAgreement: Record “isaREB_Agreement”)
Integration Event report isaREB_Create Payment OnBeforeCheckCreatePayment(AgreementNo: Code[20]; var SkipAgreement: Boolean)
Integration Event report isaREB_Create Payment OnAfterCheckCreatePayment(AgreementNo: Code[20]; var SkipAgreement: Boolean)
Integration Event report isaREB_Create Payment OnBeforeEvaluateAgreement(AgreementNo: Code[20]; var EvaluateFirst: Boolean)
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnBeforeCheckInsertValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnAfterCheckInsertValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnAfterInitAgreementDetailedValue(CompanyName: Text[30]; var AgreementDetailedValue: Record “isaREB_Detailed Value”; var ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”) Permit to modify the Agreement Detail Entry after init
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnBeforeInsertAgreementDetailEntry(AgreementNo: Code[20]; CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; var Handled: Boolean) Permit to insert process before inserting the Agreement Detail Entry
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnAferInsertAgreementDetailEntry(AgreementNo: Code[20]; CompanyName: Text[30]; var AgreementDetailedValue: Record “isaREB_Detailed Value”; var ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”) Permit to insert process after inserting the Agreement Detail Entry
Integration Event report isaREB_Evaluate Agreement OnAfterSetValueEntriesFilters(ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”) Permit to modify the Value Entries filter before agreement evaluation
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Customer OnBeforeCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var Handled: Boolean; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Customer OnAfterCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Item OnBeforeCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var Handled: Boolean; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Item OnAfterCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Salesperson OnBeforeCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var Handled: Boolean; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Salesperson OnAfterCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_ValuesEntry OnBeforeCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var Handled: Boolean; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_ValuesEntry OnAfterCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Vendor OnBeforeCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var Handled: Boolean; var CheckOk: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaREB_RefType_Vendor OnAfterCheckValueEntry(CompanyName: Text[30]; ValueEntry: Record “Value Entry”; AgreementCondition: Record “isaREB_Included/Excluded”; var CheckOk: Boolean)