Advanced Lot No. Information List

Advanced Lot No. Information List

To have a better view of all the lots that have quantity in stock (whether is expired or not), in different locations and bins, it is possible to use the Advanced Lot No. Information List.

In this page, as the lots are displayed by locations and bins, it will only be shown lots with inventory. To see lots with no inventory, you have to acess to the standard Lot No. Information List.

To open this page, open the seach page and search for Advanced Lot No. Information List:

Click on action and a Request Page will appear:

In this page is possible to pre-filter the lots that are shown on Advance Lot Information List. For example:

  • It’s possible to filter per Lot No. (and choose more than one lot to filter) - only Items/Locations/Bins containing those Lots will show up when you filter the remaining fields. It’s also possible to choose if the Promoted Lot No. Attributes should appear as columns or if they should be hidden.

  • It’s possible to filter per Item No. (and choose more than one Item to filter) - only Lots/Locations/Bins containing those Items will show up when you filter the remaining fields.

  • It’s also possible to filter per Location or Bin Code - only Lots/Items that exist at the selected Locations will be visible for filtering when the remaining fields are filtered.

If no filters are intended, click only on “OK” and a list with all lots existing will open.

When the List opens, if it’s intended to change the filters, click on action “Refresh Advanced Lot No. Info. List”:

The same filter page will appear, and it’s possible to change the filters:

In this page, it is possible to see these fields:

Field Description
Lot No. Specifies the number from the Tracking Specification table when a lot number information record is created.
Package No. Specifies the Package No. from the Tracking Specification table when a lot number information record is created.
Item No. Specifies the item no. related to the lot no. presented.
Variant Code If the item has variants, it will appear the variant related to the lot.
Description Specifies a description of the lot no. information record.
Item Category Code Specifies a description of the lot no. information record.
Quantity Quantity of the lot.
Expired Quantity Quantity that has exceeded the expiration date.
Available Quantity Quantity that is available to use.
Comments If the Item lot card has a comment, this field is set to true.
Unit of Measure Code Specifies the unit of measure in which the quantity is expressed.
Expiration Date Expiration date of the lot, set in the lot card.
Remaining Days for expiration Specifies the no. of days until the lot is expired.
Location Code Location where the lot is in stock. There may be different locations for the same lot.
Bin Code Bin where the lot is in stock. There may be different bins for the same lot.
Shelf No. Shelf where the lot is stored (text field on the Inventory tab, not related to locations/bins).
Lot No. Promoted Attributes Specifies the value of the Promoted Lot No. Attributes.
When Advanced Lot No. Information List is opened, if changes are made on Lot Card or Item Card, it is mandatory to refresh the page for these changes to be reflected.

Filtering on Advanced Lot Information List

In this page, is possible to filter and save the views, to ease the control of the lots.

It is possible to filter for any value of the previous fields.

For example, is possible to filter for all expired lots (Expiration Date previous to Work Date) or lots in certain location.

To create this views, click on “Filter”:

Choose the fields you want to filter by:

After filling the values for filtering, it will only be shown these records:

It is possible to save the view so that you can access it at any time without having to manually filter it:

Open a record from the Advanced Lot No. Information List

If a record from a lot no. is opened from the Advanced Lot No. Information List, the item ledger entries regarding that lot are filtered for the location code, as well as the Inventory shown. That’s the main difference when compared to Lot No. Information List.

For example, open a Lot Card from the Advance Lot No. Information List:

Click on Inventory (or Expired Inventory):

The entries (and Inventory shown) are filtered for the Location Code associated to the record opened (in this particular case, filtered for Location Code = PRINCIPAL):

If opened from the the Lot No. Information List, the location is not filtered:

And the Inventory appears not filtered for location:
