Advanced Lot Setup

Advanced Lot Setup

Item Journal Templates

When using the actions “Create Sublot” and “Update Expiration Date”, item entries are posted in background. To post these entries, it’s necessary to choose in which Item Journal Template and Batch these should be written and posted. It can be the same Template and Batch for both action, or create one specific for each action.

These Templates and Batches should be exclusive for these purposes, to not impact on manual journal posting and other processes.

Field Description
Expiration Date Item Journal Template Specifies the value of the Item Journal Template Name to be used for Expiration Date Update
Expiration Date Item Journal Batch Specifies the value of the Item Journal Template Batch to be used for Expiration Date Update
Sublot Item Journal Template Specifies the value of the Item Journal Tempate Name to be used for Sublot Creation
Sublot Item Journal Batch Specifies the value of the Item Journal Batch to be used for Sublot Creation

If this setup is not made, when trying to update expiration date or create sublot, an error message appears:

  • when trying to update expiration date:
  • when trying to create sublot:

Warehouse Journal Templates

When using the action “Create Sublot”, warehouse entries are posted in background, for locations that requires warehouse specific entries. To post this entries, is necessary to choose in which Item Journal Template and Batch these should be written and posted. It can be the same Template and Batch for both action, or create one specific for each action.

These Templates should be exclusive for these purposes, to not impact on manual journal posting and other processes.
Field Description
Sublot Whse. Journal Template Specifies the value of the Warehouse Journal Tempate Name to be used for Sublot Creation

If this setup is not made, when trying to create sublots for lots that are in location code that require warehouse, an error message appears:

The journal batch is not defined on the setup, and it will depend regarding the Location Code used. When accessing the Warehouse Journal Templates, is possible to see all the existing batches:

If the Batch exists for the Location Code that is being used, the entry will be posted in that batch. If not, a batch will be automatically created.

Number series

When using the actions “Create Sublot” and “Update Expiration Date”, warehouse and item entries are posted in background. This specifies the series to use to post these entries.

Field Description
Reclassification Journal Nos. Specifies the value of the Reclassification Journal Nos. for posting the reclassification journal lines on Expiration Date Update and Sublot Creation.

If these setup is not made, an error message appears:
