Integration with other apps

Advanced Lot Attributes

If you have the “Advance Lot Attributes” app, is possible to update de Lot no. Attributes on Advance Lot Management.

It is possible to change/update the attributes or setup an attribute for a lot, from scratch.

Update Lot No. Attributes

Is possible to update Lot No. Attributes in different pages: Advanced Lot No. Information List, Lot No. Information List or Lot No. Information Card.

In every page, the process to update Lot Attributes is the same.

  1. Click on “Update Lot Attribute Values”:

  2. If the Lot already has attributes, it’s possible to define the new attribute value in “New Value”. When clicking in “Close”, the value is updated.

  3. If the lot doesn’t have attributes, is possible to define values in “New Value”. When clicking in “Close”, the value is updated.

Create Sublot/Merge Lot with Attributes

On Lots, when creating Sublot or merge Lot, it’s possible to choose if attributes are inherited from the original lot or change values.

Example: A Lot exists, with attribute values:

When choosing the action of create Sublot:

An editable page with the attributes appear, where user can view the attributes from the original lot:

If necessary, it’s possible to change values (in this example, Creation Date was changed):

When clicking “Finish”, the Sublot has the attributes previously chosen:

For Merge Lot, the same behaviour is observed.

For more information on Advanced Attributes Management app, please check the Advanced Attributes Management documentation.

Inspection Status

Inspection Status is available on Advanced Lot No. Information List and on Lot No. Information List, so it’s easier to see the Lot Inspection Status on Lot Management main pages:

Update Inspection Status

It’s possible to update Inspection Status in different pages: Advanced Lot No. Information List, Lot No. Information List or Lot No. Information Card.

  1. Click on “Update Inspection Status”:

  2. If the Lot already has inspection status, is possible to define the new attribute value in “New Inspection Status”. When clicking in “Ok”, the value is updated.

  3. If the lot doesn’t have Inspection Status, is possible to define values in “New Value”. When clicking in “Ok”, the value is updated.
