Lot Templates

Setting up Lot Templates

These codes are created for use of specific templates for setting up the numbering of lots. For example, including transaction Nos. and/or dates.

To create Lot Template Codes, search for this action on the search bar and click on New:

A Lot Template Card will open, divided into header and lines.

Lot Template Header

Fill the following fields:

Field Description
Code Define the code of the Lot Template
Description Define the description of the Lot Template

Lot Template Lines

Lot Template can be made of several lines that will define the structure of the lot number to be created. Line order will define the order structure of the Lot No.

Fill the following fields:

Field Description
Type Define the type of data that will be used when assigning a new lot no.
Description Specifies the description of the data that will be retrieved for the selected type
Format Specifies the data format of each type. Certain types will have a fixed length format which cannot be changed.!
Reference Date Specifies the date used as reference for certain types, used when creating the lot no. It can be “Working Date or Expiration Date” and must be filled for every lines that are the type date.

Assign Lot Template Codes to Items:

On Item Card, a new field was created on Item Tracking Tab: Lot Template Code.

This way, whenever creating a lot for this item, the lot no. will follow these method.

Assigning Lot Nos.

For example, assigning a Lot No. for an Item that has defined a Lot Template Code:

When, in a Purchase Order or Journal Line, click on “Item Tracking Lines” and “Assign Lot No.":

The lot no. is automatically created, according the criteria defined on the Lot Template:

Create Lot No. from Inventory Put-away line

On Inventory Put-away, an action called “Assign Lot No.” exists, so it’s possible to assign lot on Inventory Put-away document:

When clicking on this action, a Lot No. is created for the selected Item:

  • if the Lot Template is set for the Item, then it’s created following the rules of the Lot template;
  • if the Lot template is not set, then Lot is created following the rules of Lot No. series that is defined on Item (on field “Lot No.").

If the Item doesn’t require Lot, then the action is disabled:
