Using API

The Advance Lot Management apps provides a complete API set to manage Lots via API. This on could be used to interact with powerplatform.

Lot No. Information resource type


Method Return Type Description
GET Lot No. Information Gets an array of Lot No. Information objects.
POST Lot No. Information Create a Lot No. Information object.
PATCH Lot No. Information Update a Lot No. Information object.


Property Type Description
id Guid The Unique ID of the Lot No. Information.
itemNo string Specifies the Item No.
variantCode string Specifies Variant Code of the Item No.
lotNo string Specifies the Lot No.
description string Specifies the description of Lot No.
testQuality string Specifies the Test Quality of Lot No.
certificateNumber string Specifies the Certificate Number of Lot No.
blocked boolean Specifies the blocked status of Lot No.
comment boolean Specifies that a comment exists for the Lot No.
expirationDate date Specifies the Expiration Date of Lot No.
inventory decimal Specifies the inventory quantity of Lot No.
expiredInventory decimal Specifies the expired inventory quantity of Lot No.

HTTP request

Get request

Replace the URL prefix for Business Central depending on environment following the guideline.

GET businesscentralPrefix/api/bricklead/advancedLotManagement/v2.0/companies({companyId})/lotNoInformations

Direct filtering is possible for every property. Check the following examples on id, itemNo, variantCode and lotNo using following oData filtering syntaxes

GET businesscentralPrefix/api/bricklead/advancedLotManagement/v2.0/companies({companyId})/lotNoInformations?filter=id eq 'id value'
GET businesscentralPrefix/api/bricklead/advancedLotManagement/v2.0/companies({companyId})/lotNoInformations?filter=itemNo eq 'item no value' and variantCode eq 'variant code value'
GET businesscentralPrefix/api/bricklead/advancedLotManagement/v2.0/companies({companyId})/lotNoInformations?filter=lotNo eq 'lot No. value'

For more information, please check Using Filter Expressions in OData URIs.

Returned Value

  "value": [
      "@odata.etag": "string",
      "id": "guid",
      "itemNo": "string",
      "variantCode": "string",
      "lotNo": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "testQuality": "string",
      "certificateNumber": "string",
      "blocked": "boolean",
      "comment": "boolean",
      "expirationDate": "date",
      "inventory": "decimal",
      "expiredInventory": "decimal",

Bound Actions

The Lot No. Information resource type offers a bound action called print which prints the corresponding Lot Label. This feature uses the Lot Label report to print the corresponding report. This is illustrated in the following example:

POST businesscentralPrefix/api/bricklead/advancedLotManagement/v2.0/companies({companyId})/lotNoInformations/Microsoft.NAV.printLotLabel

The response has no content; the response code is 204.
