Family Consumption

Family Production Journal

On Released Production Orders with Source Type = Family, standard action “Production Journal” is disabled.
Instead, action “Family Production Journal” is created:

The Family Production Journal works like the Production Journal but has a key difference: it shows all components and outputs for every line in the Production Order, rather than filtering by individual lines.

This means that when opening the Family Production Journal, it will be visible all the components and outputs for all lines of the Production Order.

If there is already an Item Ledger Entry for consumption with the “Reference Item” marked as yes, the calculations for that Reference Item will be ignored. As a result, that item will not appear in the Family Production Journal Lines.

Consumption Journal

When using function “Calc. Consumption” on Consumption Journal, it is now possible to “Ignore Reference Item”, to disregard all consumption calculations for Items marked as Reference Item.

When this field is active, components that have the Reference Item = YES, are disregarded, not filling any of those lines on the Consumption Journal Lines.

If the “Ignore Ref. Item” is deactivated, standard behavior is observed.
