Order Planning
On Order Planning, fields “Process Type”, “Family” and “Family No.” are added:
Calculate Plan
When the Calculate Plan is activated, and there are lines with Replenishment System = Prod. Order:
- if item has “Process type” defined in the table “Production Scenario”, with “Default” = YES for the location, and Due Date is in line with the Starting Date from the Production Scenario table, then field will be filled with that value;
- If the value found has “Family” = Yes, the field Family No. in the Order Planning is filled with the Family No. from the Production Scenario table. In this case, all fields (Production BOM No., Production BOM Version Code, Routing No. and Routing Version Code) are non editable.
- If there is no Production Scenario ticked with “Default” for the item/location, the field “Process type” in Order Planning is empty and all the information is inherited from what is configured in the Item Card (Standard behavior).
All the behavior from the Order Planning line will be the standard one if no Production Scenario is selected.
Change Process Type
The “Change Process Type” is only enabled for lines with Ref. Order Type = Prod. Order.
If Line has a Ref. Order Type different than Prod. Order, an error message appears when select the action “Change Process Type”:
- It is possible to change the Process Type directly on the line in the corresponding field.
- To change for multiple lines, select the desired lines and press the Change Process Type action. A wizard will open:
Choose the new Process Type to apply to the selected lines, from the Process Types table, opened when clicking on 3 dots:
If Process Type is defined on Production Scenarios for all the selected Items/Stockkeeping Units, for the related Variant, Location and date stated in the Order Planning, Process Type field is updated and related fields “Production BOM No.", “Production BOM Version Code”, “Routing No.” and “Routing Version Code” are updated with the informations set on Production Scenario. Also, lines are automatically refreshed:
If Process Type is not defined in Production Scenarios for one the selected Items/Stockkeeping Units, for the related Variant, Location and date stated in the Order Planning, an error message appears, and nothing changes:
Make Orders
- When the Make Orders is activated, and there are lines with Replenishment System = Prod. Order and Family = NO, a Production Order using the standard function is created. The field Process Type is inherited from the Order Planning table.
Order Planning exists for Prod. Order, with Process Type = ALT, Family= NO:
When Make Order, for Planned Prod. Order:
Planned Production Order is created, with Process Type = ALT, on Header and Lines:
- When the Make Orders is activated, and there are lines with Replenishment System = Prod. Order and Family = YES, a Production Order with Source Type = Family, Source No = Family No, Quantity = Qty to Order and Due Date from the Order Planning is created.
Order Planning exists for Prod. Order, with Process Type = FAM, Family= YES, Family No. = PORK:
When Make Order, for Planned Prod. Order:
Planned Production Order is created, with Source Type = Family, Source No = PORK, Process Type = FAM on Header and Lines:
Order Creation Options
When the Make Orders for option is selected:
Make Orders for = The Active Line - like it was selected on the previous examples, Family Production Order will be created only for the selected line, ignoring other lines within the same Source Document that also have Family = YES, calculating the Quantity that is needed to fulfill the need. The family production order can have more items than what is present on the Order Planning since it will bring all the items defined on the Family card.
Make Orders for = The Active Order - one Family Production Order for the Source Document selected is created, calculating the Quantity that is needed to fulfill the need (the system should look at the respective Family lines, check the quantity for each item from the Order Planning Lines, and calculate what is the total minimum quantity that the Production Order needs to have on the header). The family production order can have more items than what is present on the Order Planning since it will bring all the items defined on the Family card.
Make Order for = All Lines - create one Family Production Order per Source Document, calculating the Quantity that is needed to fulfill the need (the system should look at the respective Family lines, check the quantity for each item from the Order Planning Lines, and calculate what is the total minimum quantity that the Production Order needs to have on the header). The family production order can have more items than what is present on the Order Planning since it will bring all the items defined on the Family card.