Planning Worksheet

On Planning Worksheet, fields “Process Type”, “Family” and “Family No." are added:

  • Process Type field can only be filled if Ref. Order Type is Production Order.

  • Also, if the selected Process Type is of type = Family, it’s possible to select the Family to produce.

Calculate Regenerative Plan

When using the action “Calculate Regenerative Plan” to calculate planning lines, if there are lines with
Ref. Order Type = Prod. Order:

  • The Process Type field will be filled with the value marked as Default for the corresponding Item/Location and Date (the Order Planning Due Date must be validated against the Production Scenario Starting Date).

  • If the Default Production Scenario has Family = True, the Family No. field will be populated with the value set in the Production Scenario.

  • Relevant fields, such as Production BOM No., Production BOM Version Code, Routing No., and Routing Version Code, will inherit values from the selected Production Scenario.

  • If no Default Production Scenario exists, the Process Type field will be left blank, and information regarding the Production BOM and Routing will be inherited from the Item/Stockkeeping Unit Card.

  • It is possible to change the inherited Production BOM or Routing. However, a confirmation message appears:

    • If press “No”: nothing changes;
    • If you press “Yes”: The Process Type field will be blank, and a message will prompt you to refresh the Components and Routings. Click on “Click here to Refresh” to automatically refresh the components.
  • It is possible to manually change the Process Type on planning line.
    When Process Type is changed, a message appears, to refresh Production Components and Routing to the new ones related with the new selected Process Type:

  • It is possible to manually change the Location Code.
    When this happens, standard behavior will be applied:

    • Information from the Stockkeeping Unit/Item Card will be inherited on Production BOM and Routing fields.
    • Process Type field will be blank.
    • Order Tracking will be removed, and the line must be refreshed to ensure proper calculations (standard behavior).

Family Line Restrictions

  • If a line is marked as Family = Yes, Routing No. and Routing Version Code are non editable.

  • The Components and Routings action is available, but editing is disabled to prevent discrepancies within the same family.

  • The Accept Action Message for lines of type Family is disabled and non-editable until Suggest Family Planning is executed.

Change Process Type

The “Change Process Type” action allows users to modify the Process Type for production order lines under specific conditions.

Conditions for Using the Change Process Type Action

  • The action is enabled only for lines where the Ref. Order Type is set to Prod. Order.

  • If the Ref. Order Type is anything other than Prod. Order, the action cannot be executed, and an error message will appear if the action is attempted.

  • The action is only available when the Action Message is set to New. If the Action Message has any other value, the Process Type cannot be changed.

Changing Process Type

  • Direct Modification: Users can change the Process Type directly in the Process Type field on the line.
  • Using the Action for Multiple Lines: Users can select multiple lines (e.g., in the Planning Worksheet) and click on the “Change Process Type” action. This will open a wizard.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Select Lines: Highlight the lines you wish to modify in the Planning Worksheet.

  2. Click on “Change Process Type”: This will open a wizard.

  3. Choose New Process Type: In the wizard, select the new Process Type from the Process Types table, accessible by clicking the three dots. After that, click “Ok”:

  • If the Process Type is defined in Production Scenarios for all selected Items/Stockkeeping Units, along with the corresponding Variant, Location, and date specified in the Planning Worksheet, the Process Type field will be updated.
  • Related fields (“Production BOM No.”, “Production BOM Version Code”, “Routing No.”, and “Routing Version Code”) will also be updated with the information set in the Production Scenario.
  • The lines will automatically refresh to reflect the changes.
  • If the Process Type is not defined in Production Scenarios for any of the selected Items/Stockkeeping Units for the specified Variant, Location, and date, an error message will appear, and no changes will be made.

Suggest Family Planning

The Suggest Family Planning feature is designed for planning Production Orders of type Family for items in the Planning Worksheet with the Process Type of Family activated. This ensures that when producing any item belonging to a Family, all related items are also planned for production.

See how this action works on Suggest Family Planning.
