Production Orders

Production Order Header

In the Production Order Header (applicable to Planned, Firm Planned, Simulated, or Released orders), a new field called Process Type has been added.

This field specifies the Production Scenario associated with the Production Order, allowing for better organization and management of production workflows.

For Source Type = Family

  • If the Source Type is set to Family, the Process Type field will be disabled. Information will be inherited from the Family Card.

For Source Type = Item

  • The Process Type field will be automatically filled if there is a related Production Scenario marked as Default for that Item/Variant and Location, with a Starting Date prior to the Production Order’s Starting Date.

  • Process Type field will be enabled and it will be possible to select any Process Type related to that Item/Variant/Location and Date.

  • If Process Type field is empty, when refreshing the Production Order, lines will inherit the information from the Item Card or Stockkeeping Unit.

  • If a Process Type has been selected, the following values will be inherited from the related Production Scenario when refreshing the Production Order:
    • Production BOM No.
    • Production BOM Version Code
    • Routing No
    • Routing Version Code

  • If the Process Type on the header is manually updated, the Production Order Lines will not update automatically. A refresh of the Production Order is necessary to update the respective lines.

  • It is only possible to change the Production Scenario if the Production Order doesn’t have any posted entries associated.

For Source Type = Sales Header

  • For Source Type = Sales Header, Process Type field will be enabled and it will be possible to select any Process Type that has Family = No.

  • After Process Type is selected, when refreshing the Production Order, a check will be made for all items from the sales order:

    • If all items have the selected Process Type assigned for that Variant/Location/Date, information about the Production BOM and Routing will be inherited to the Production Order Lines.

    • If any item on the Sales Order does not have the selected Process Type in the respective Production Scenarios, an error message will appear, and no lines will be created.

  • It is only possible to Change the Production Scenario if the Production Order doesn’t have any posted entries associated.

Production Order Lines

Just like the Production Order Header, Production Order Lines have a field called “Process Type”.

Process Type field on Lines will inherit the information that is defined in the header when the Production Order is refreshed.

  • The Process Type field on the lines is editable and can be manually changed.
  • However, if the Production Order is defined with Source Type = Family, the Process Type field will be non-editable and cannot be changed.

Changes on Production Order Lines fields values

  • If Components on the Production Order Line have already Item tracking defined, the Process Type cannot be changed.
  • It is only possible to change the Process Type on the lines if the Production Order doesn’t have any posted entries associated. If the Production Order has any Item/Capacity Ledger Entry or Value/Warehouse Entry, and you attempt to change the Process Type, an error message will appear.

  • When Process Type field is filled and any of the fields Production BOM, Production BOM Version, Routing Code and Routing Version are manually changed, the following warning message appears:

  • If click on No, no changes will be made.
  • If click on Yes, an informative message will appear, and a notification will be displayed at the top of the page indicating that Components and Routings need to be refreshed.
  • If click on “Click here to refresh”, Prod. Order Lines are refreshed.

  • If the Process Type is manually changed on the lines, the values for Production BOM, Production BOM Version, Routing, and Routing Version will be automatically updated. However, the lines will not refresh automatically, and a message will appear at the top of the page prompting you to update the lines.

  • For Production Order Lines with Source Type = Family, if either the Location Code or Starting Date Time is manually changed, a warning message will appear.
  • If click on “No”, no changes will be made.
  • If click on “Yes”, the Process Type will be deleted, and no changes will be made to the Production BOM No., Production BOM Version Code, Routing No., or Routing Version Code.