Advanced Price Management

Notes for release 17.0.7761.58270


  • User Story #11803 - Advanced Price Management Automatic Tests for release
  • User Story #11869 - Review translations
  • Bug #11897 - Error while posting sales documents
  • Bug #11900 - Block second line of of type price in a template
  • User Story #11901 - Add Net 0 in stat level
  • User Story #11902 - Add Promotion codes in sales line details
  • Bug #11912 - Replace Wharehouse by Warehouse
  • Bug #11924 - Product type modification should change Product properties
  • Bug #11925 - Without Pricelist type line, quantity or discount level should not be editable
  • Bug #11926 - Starting price list date only work when empty
  • User Story #11928 - On sales document factbox, open price list when clicking on price/discount counter
  • User Story #11929 - Not possible to change the template price list when lines exist
  • User Story #11865 - General Menu shortcuts
  • User Story #11863 - Assisted Setup
  • User Story #11864 - Permissions Sets
  • User Story #11866 - Help site links
  • User Story #11695 - Licence Controle
  • User Story #11696 - Copy Price List
  • User Story #11697 - Price & Discount Management