Advanced Price Management

Notes for release 24.0.9025.61533


  • Task 14743 - Bug 13206 - Price calculation method Closest can't be selected when APM app is just installed
  • Task 14840 - Bug 14671 - Qty Per not calculated to select application base
  • Task 14842 - User Story 14841 - Update v24
  • Task 14908 - User Story 14592 - Add Information message when you change the shipment date on the sales documents
  • Task 14947 - User Story 14895 - Update Date Price Calculation Enum : Document date –> Order date/Posting date

Events available

Event Type Object Function Description
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnBeforeCopyPriceList(FromPriceListNo: Code[20]; var ToPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnBeforeCopyHeader(FromPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader; var ToPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader; Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnAfterCopyHeader(var ToPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnBeforeCopyLine(FromPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader; var ToPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader; Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnAfterCopyLine(var ToPriceList: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnBeforeMessageDetails(var Details: Text)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnBeforeCopySalesLinesDetails(FromVariant: Variant; ToVariant: Variant; Handled: Boolean) Provide acces to record before copy
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_DocumentMgt OnAfterCopySalesLinesDetails(FromVariant: Variant; ToVariant: Variant) Provide acces to record after copy
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_FreeProductMgt OnBeforeUpdateFreeProductLines(var pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; PriceLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine temporary; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_FreeProductMgt OnAfterUpdateFreeProductLines(var pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; PriceLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine temporary)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnAfterSetFilters(var PriceLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine; AmountType: Enum “Price Amount Type”; ShowAll: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnConvertAmountByTaxOnAfterVATPostingSetupGet(var VATPostingSetup: Record “VAT Posting Setup”)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnIsDisabled(var Disabled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnAfterCalcUnitAmountRoundingPrecision(SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; var UnitAmountRoundingPrecision: Decimal)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnAfterModifyManualPriceDiscountLine(var Rec: Record “Sales Line”; var SalesLineDetail: Record isaAPM_SalesLineDetail)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnBeforeInsertManualDiscountDetailLine(pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; FromFieldNo: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech OnAfterInsertManualDiscountDetailLine(pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; FromFieldNo: Integer)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_PriceCalc. - isatech SetExistVariant(var Existing: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_SubstitutionMgt OnBeforePopulateItemSubstitution(var pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; PriceLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine temporary; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_SubstitutionMgt OnAfterPopulateItemSubstitution(var pSalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; PriceLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine temporary)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_SubstitutionMgt OnBeforeGetSubstitutionItem(var SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”; var Handled: Boolean)
Integration Event codeunit isaAPM_SubstitutionMgt OnAfterGetSubstitutionItem(var SalesLine: Record “Sales Line”)
Integration Event table isaAPM_Analysis Header OnBeforePrintPriceList(var PriceList: Record “isaAPM_Analysis Header”; SendAsEmail: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event table isaAPM_Analysis Header OnAfterPrintPriceList(var PriceList: Record “isaAPM_Analysis Header”; SendAsEmail: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean)
Integration Event table isaAPM_Analysis Header OnBeforePrintAnalysis(var PriceList: Record “isaAPM_Analysis Header”; SendAsEmail: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Integration Event table isaAPM_Analysis Header OnAfterPrintAnalysis(var PriceList: Record “isaAPM_Analysis Header”; SendAsEmail: Boolean; HideDialog: Boolean)
Integration Event table isaAPM_PriceLine OnAfterCopyFromAsset(var PriceListLine: Record isaAPM_PriceLine)
Integration Event table isaAPM_PriceLine OnAfterCopyFromPriceListHeader(PriceListHeader: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader)
Integration Event table isaAPM_PriceLine OnAfterInitHeaderDefaults(PriceListHeader: Record isaAPM_PriceHeader)
Integration Event report isaAPM_PostedSalesCreditMemo OnAfterInitReport()
Integration Event report isaAPM_PostedSalesInvoice OnAfterInitReport()
Integration Event report isaAPM_SalesCreditMemo OnAfterInitReport()
Integration Event report isaAPM_SalesInvoice OnAfterInitReport()
Integration Event report isaAPM_SalesOrder OnAfterInitReport()
Integration Event report isaAPM_SalesQuote OnAfterInitReport()