Integration with Production Scenarios.
The Manufacturing Essentials Extension and the Production Scenarios App are independent, but specific validations are applied when both extensions are used together. These validations are managed through the Integration Layer Module from the Tools Extension to ensure proper handling of variance policies and operational rules for Reference Items and family production scenarios.
Business Rules
Reference Items
Reference Items are a specific type of item defined in the Production Scenarios App that are consumed in a particular manner without variance control. The following validations are applied to enforce this behavior:
On Prod Order Components
Over/Under Consumption Tolerance:
Fields Over Consumption Tolerance (%) and Under Consumption Tolerance (%) are cleared and made non-editable if Reference Item = YES.
Attempting to activate Reference Item when these fields have values results in an error.
Variance Policy:
- Automatically set to None and made non-editable for Reference Items.
On Production BOM
Over/Under Consumption Tolerance:
The fields Over Consumption Tolerance (%) and Under Consumption Tolerance (%) are cleared and non-editable if Reference Item = YES.
Attempting to activate Reference Item when these fields have values results in an error.
Variance Policy:
- Automatically set to None and made non-editable for Reference Items.
On Planning Components
Over/Under Consumption Tolerance:
The fields Over Consumption Tolerance (%) and Under Consumption Tolerance (%) are cleared and non-editable if Reference Item = YES.
Attempting to activate Reference Item when these fields have values results in an error.
Variance Policy:
- Automatically set to None and made non-editable for Reference Items.
Family Production Journal
The Family Production Journal applies variance and operational status checks for both output and consumption entries.
Output Entries
Variance Policy Validation
Variance Policy = Warning: If total output (already posted output + current line quantity) exceeds the defined tolerance, the system shows a warning message.
- If the user validates with Yes, the Quantity to Handle is accepted.
Variance Policy = Blocked: If the output exceeds the defined tolerance, an error is displaye.
- Posting is blocked until the variance is corrected.
Variance Policy = None: No warnings or errors are displayed, and the actual output is recorded.
Consumption Entries
Variance Policy Validation
Variance Policy = Warning: If total consumption (already posted consumption + current line quantity) exceeds the defined tolerance, the system shows a warning message.
- If the user validates with Yes, the Quantity to Handle is accepted.
Variance Policy = Blocked: If the consumption exceeds the defined tolerance, an error is displayed.
- Posting is blocked until the variance is corrected.
Variance Policy = None: No warnings or errors are displayed, and the actual consumption is recorded.
Operational Status Validation
Users can post movements in the Family Production Journal (output and consumption) only if:
- Operational Status = Running, or
- Operational Status = In Review (for Production Managers).
Attempting to use the Family Production Journal for production orders with other operational statuses results in an error.
Intermediate Consumption for Reference Items
Operational Status Validation
Users can only use the action Post Ref Item Intermediate Consumption if:
- Operational Status = Running, or
- Operational Status = In Review (for Production Managers).
Attempting to use this action in any other operational status results in an error.