Output Journal

The Output Journal is enhanced to incorporate variance checks when recording output. These enhancements ensure compliance with variance policies and include:

  • Validation of output against tolerances defined for the associated Production Order Line.
  • Addition of three new fields: Variance Policy, Under Output Tolerance (%), and Over Output Tolerance (%).

Business Rules

Over-Output Control

  • When posting an output line in the Output Journal, the system checks the Variance Policy defined on the associated Production Order Line. Based on the policy, the system applies the following rules:

  • When Variance Policy = Warning:

    • If the total output (sum of already posted output + new line quantity) exceeds the tolerance defined for the source Production Order Line, a warning message is displayed.
      • If the user selects Yes, the Quantity to Handle is validated, and the posting proceeds.
      • If the user selects No, no changes are made, and the line is not posted.
    • If multiple lines exceed the tolerance, the system displays the warning for the first line. The user must resolve the issue and attempt posting again. The system will then validate the next line with an issue.
  • When Variance Policy = Blocked:

    • If the total output exceeds the defined tolerance, an error message is displayed.
      • The system blocks the posting until the quantity complies with the allowed variance criteria.
  • When Variance Policy = None:

    • No warnings or errors are displayed. The system records the actual output as reported without restrictions.