Production Order

Production Order Header

The Production Order Header in Dynamics 365 Business Central is extended with two new fields: Quantitative Review and Operational Status. These fields help monitor and manage the progress of production orders, ensuring compliance with variance policies and streamlined workflows.

Field Name Description Visibility
Quantitative Review Specifies whether a variance review is required before closing the production order. Available in all statuses except Finished.
Operational Status Indicates the current operational phase of the production order (Pending, Running, Completed, or In Review). Visible only in the Released Production Order, Released Production Order List, and Change Production Order Status pages when the status is Released.

Change Operational Status

A new action, Change Operational Status, is available for production orders with the Status = Released. This action allows users to update the operational phase of the production order.

Name Description
Running Sets the Operational Status to Running. Output and consumption can only be recorded for production orders with this status.
Completed Sets the Operational Status to Completed. No further output or consumption is recorded, and variances can no longer be reported. Only orders marked as Completed can be set to Finished.
In Review Sets the Operational Status to In Review. Only users in the Production Manager User Group can assign this status.

The selected option determines the value of the Operational Status field on the Released Production Order Header.

Status Transition Validations

For users NOT in the Production Manager User Group:

Old Status New Status Action
Pending Running OK after refreshing the production order. Error if attempted without refreshing: “Status cannot be changed to Running before Refresh.”
Pending Completed Warning: “Are you sure you want to complete the production order without output or consumption?”
Pending In Review Error: Operational Status cannot be changed to In Review.
Running Completed OK
Running In Review Error: Operational Status cannot be changed to In Review.
Running Pending OK if there are no related entries (e.g., output or consumption).
Completed Pending Error: This is not a valid selection.
Completed In Review Error: Operational Status cannot be changed to In Review.
Completed Running OK
In Review Running Error: This is not a valid selection.
In Review Completed Error: This is not a valid selection.
In Review Pending Error: This is not a valid selection.

For users IN the Production Manager User Group, the same validations apply, except:

  • They can change the status to In Review.
  • They can transition from In Review to Running or Completed.

Expected Behavior Based on Operational Status

The Operational Status field determines the behavior of production processes, controlling which actions can be performed at various stages of the production order lifecycle. This section outlines the expected behavior for each operational status and describes the validations and restrictions applied to different user roles.

The following table summarizes the expected behavior for all users for each Operational Status:

Operational Status Change Status Create Inventory Pick/Put-away/Movement Refresh Production Order Create Warehouse Pick Copy Prod Order Production Journal Output Journal Consumption Journal
Pending Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Production Order not selectable Production Order not selectable
Running Enabled if Quantitative Review = Skip Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Production Order selectable Production Order selectable
Completed Enabled if Quantitative Review = Skip Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Production Order not selectable Production Order not selectable
In Review Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Production Order not selectable Production Order not selectable

For users in the Production Manager User Group, the following changes apply:

Operational Status Change Status Create Inventory Pick/Put-away/Movement Refresh Production Order Create Warehouse Pick Copy Prod Order Production Journal Output Journal Consumption Journal
Completed Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Production Order not selectable Production Order not selectable
In Review Enabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Production Order selectable Production Order selectable

Validations and Restrictions

  • For Users NOT in the Production Manager User Group:

    • Attempting to calculate consumption for a Released Production Order in status Pending, Completed, or In Review results in an error.
    • If a user selects or manually enters the Production Order No in a Consumption Journal Line or Output Journal Line for a production order in these statuses, the same error is shown.
    • Attempting to access the Production Journal with a production order in these statuses triggers an error.
  • For Users in the Production Manager User Group:

    • Validations for statuses Pending and Completed are applied, but managers can override restrictions for In Review status.
  • Forward Flushing: Consumption is automatically registered when the order is refreshed (status Pending). This process is not blocked in any way.

  • Backward Flushing: Consumption is automatically registered when the order is set to Finished (status Completed or In Review). This process is not blocked in any way.

Production Order Lines

The Production Order Lines page is extended with four new fields to improve control over variances and provide better tracking of initial quantities: Variance Policy, Under Output Tolerance (%), Over Output Tolerance (%) and Initial Quantity.

These fields allow users to manage output tolerances and maintain a record of the original production quantity when the operational status is set to Running.

Business Rules

  • Variance Policy, Under Output Tolerance (%), and Over Output Tolerance (%) values are inherited from the corresponding Item Card or Stockkeeping Unit Card when the production order line is created.
  • The Initial Quantity field is updated with the value from the Quantity field when the production order’s Operational Status changes to Running.
  • Upon creation, the Initial Quantity is set to 0.
  • If a production order line is updated after the status is set to Running, the Initial Quantity remains unchanged, preserving the original state of the order.