The SSCC List page can viewed as the SSCC tracking page. In this list, you’ll find all created SSCC in the company.

For each line you’ll see.

Field Description Remark
SSCC Number Unique identifier of SSCC
SSCC Package type Package Type code of SSCC
SSCC Status Status of SSCC. Can be In Progress (SSCC for which a warehouse is working on), Pending (SSCC content can be amended), Completed (SSCC content can’t be modified One warehouse user can only have one SSCC with status In Pogress. When creating a new SSCC a user is automatically assigned to this new one with status In Progress. If there is already a assigned SSCC fo this user a question is popped up to ask if user wants to set previous SSCC as Completed. When answered no then status of previous SSCC is set to Pending.
Creator User ID ID of the user that created the SSCC
Total SSCC Line Number of SSCC Lines SSCC Lines are providing the detail of the SSCC content (Item, Qty, unit of measure).
Total Weight Sum of SSCC Lines weights Weight is calculated using the unit of measure weight defined on the item unit of measures. If not defined there, then base unit gross weight defined on the item card is used as basis
Total Cubage Sum of SSCC Lines cubages Cubage is calculated using the unit of measure cubage defined on the item unit of measures. If not defined there, then base unit volume defined on the item card is used as basis
Total Quantity Sum of SSCC Line quantities

SSCC Lines

Clicking on one Total field you’ll get access to SSCC lines providing more detail of the content of the SSCC.


Following actions are available on the SSCC List page.

Menu Action Description
Process New SSCC Number Create a new SSCC Number. This will popup a message to confirm if box to select a package type. When creating a new SSCC a user is automatically assigned to this new one with status In Progress. If there is already a assigned SSCC fo this user a question is popped up to ask if user wants to set previous SSCC as Completed. When answered no then status of previous SSCC is set to Pending.
Process Delete SSCC Lines Only possible if SSCC status is set In Progress.
Process Set SSCC In Progress Change selected SSCC Status to In Progress. As a consequence any other SSCC for same user with status In Progress will be set as Pending.
Process Set SSCC Completed Change selected SSCC status to Completed.
Reports Print SSCC Label Print SSCC Label (report 8120700, Microsoft word based).
Navigate View SSCC Lines Opens the SSCC Lines page.