

The SSCC Management apps is available on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource.

Please review the Extension Installation Procedure for further information.


To use this extension, all users need some extra permissions:

  • (ISALCM_CONTROL) “License Control Management”, for all users.

For the user of the extension (setup or read) there are some extra permissions sets:

  • (ISASSCC_SETUP) for users that need to setup the SSCC Management apps.
  • (ISASSCC_BASIC) for all other users that will have to deal with SSCC (basically working on sales and shipping processes).

SSCC Setup

Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon, enter SSCC Setup.

You’ll then see that you now have the ability to setup the SSCC Management apps.

# Field Description Remark
1 SSCC Prefix Free to define (up to 20 digits long) prefix for SSCC number. A SSCC prefix usually is a comapny unique number provided by an authorized authority.
2 SSCC Serie N° Define your own sequential number serie to handle SSCC. Depending on country specific usage SSCC prefix + SSCC N° serie max length can be defined (up to 20 digits).
3 Calc. SSCC GS1 Key Digit Enable this option to get the GS1 key digit being calculated.
4 Default Package Type Each SSSCC number you’ll create will be defined with a package type. As you can handle sevral package types, you can define here a default package type to be proposed when creating a new SSCC number. Prior to assign Default Package Type you should create Package Type(s) using the SSCC Package Type List.

Package Types

From the SSCC Setup page choose the Package Types action.

Using this list you can define as many package types as you wish.

# Field Description Remark
1 Code Free to define package code.
2 Description Free to define package description.
3 Standard Weight Defines the net weight of the packaging unit itself. It does not include the weight of the goods. It should be expressed in the same unit of measure as for the item’s weight.
If you plan to use the SSCC Management App to support communication of shipping information with your shipping companies and organize printout of shipping label, please note that SSCC Package Type Table provides an additional hidden external code field to organize mapping of codes with shipping company.


Use of SSCC assignement can be enable per location providing a flexible setup. Go on the specific Location card you want to enable, the toggle on the Enable Outgoing SSCC Management option.
